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Two Kinds of Color

User Thread
 54yrs • F •
Barbara Green is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Two Kinds of Color
We adopted an African American child. I just finished a wonderful kindle novel "Two Kinds of Color," by Deborah Kennedy. It helped me realize how tough it is for a family of black and white children to grow up as whole human beings in such a tough environment as the South Side of Chicago. I think the book is a must read for anyone raising African American children. There is so much I took in, as a white parent, regarding what to avoid.

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"Never Give Up!"
 43yrs • F •
There is so much I took in, as a white parent, regarding what to avoid.

Would you mind sharing some of the things you learnt you should avoid?

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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
 46yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Cainchild is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think treating your children differently, including undue concern or consideration, because one of them is of a different race isn't a great thing to do. When my foster kids come into my house, black, white or anything else, the EXACT same standards, expectations and such are placed on them.
I wouldn't allow am African American child to get away with lower math grades than an Asian child and so on. As for their culture, they must also understand that while they are living in your house, they have just as much obligation to respect and accommodate your culture as you do theirs.
Nothing is more hateful or racist, in my opinion, that pandering to people based ones etic perspective. I would avoid trying to avoid specific things because they are black and you are 'White'.

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"Fear is the emotion that prevents us from doing thing we shouldn't have thought of to begin with."
 44yrs • M •
general_chaos is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
i had intended that my last post would be my last. but i was so touched by this post. i am from canada and was adopted into a multi race family. my wife and i adopted a child from the states of african descent. we didnt ask for any particular race as we didnt care.
Multi racial adoptions have their challenges but speekign from experience it was marvelous to be raised in a family were we didnt think any thing of the differences till school and dealling with uneducated people with racist views.
Those problems exist not only in chicago but in small comunities were a little black girl stands out a bit. We need to see more though there are alot of children in the u.s. who have difficulties finding families due to their racial background. If any of you wonder if you could love a child who doesnt look like you dont worry take it from me that when that child looks up at you when you are feeding it or comforting it when it is upset you feel the such an intense love that can not be described with words.

I would like to close my time with this site by paraphrasing the Krishna purana when krishna met his biological mother for the first time since his birth

"yes you may have given birth to me but my adopted parents are truly my mother and father first and formost."

blood may be thicker than water but it is compassion and consciousness that bridges all gaps.

with love Nyrlathotep/general chaos.

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Two Kinds of Color
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