I fgured this out from Abert Einstein's "theory of relativity" and Einstein's finding that "time" represents the 4th dimension, link HERE
http://www.jimloy.com/physics/4d.htm .
It is my belief that Einstein got his basis by taking this info out of the Bible as I am explaining it here.
Einstein has said = " science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind " and I say he meant it.
Thus in order for God to shorten the life-span of mankind to 120 years Genesis 6:3 link here
; then God had to change time. The earth is in an accelerated time so that is why the astronauts in space or on the moon seem to be moving in slow motion because time on earth is moving faster then time in space. It does seem obvious (to me) that Einstein figured it out based on the Bible text such as: Psalm 90:4 link here
9; and 2 Peter 3:8 link
Therefore I say that the Bible (and Einstein) tells us that the astronauts appear to be moving in slow motion because they actually are - they come out from our earth's accellerated time zone into the outer space time zone. That slower time use to be on earth and it is now changed.
That also fits into the prophesy of; "thy kindom come on earth as it is in Heaven" to restore the earth back.
So many people have often thought that God is letting this world slowly suffer but the truth and the reality is that God has us going very much in a hurry here.
Apparently God changed the time only for physical life and only here on earth.
Of cource I do know that some of this sounds crazy, but crazy is what makes it so much more fun.