I wanted to introduce myself - My name is Matt. My website is
http://www.nospintalk.com - mostly about politics and stuff that aggravates me. I think Captain Cynic represents a whole society over a span of generations, so I actually looked up the domain, which is how I landed here.
I'm a NY'er, so maybe come off a little cocky at times, but I've seen southern hospitality and it wasn't so hospitable.
I know a little about a lot (yes, unfortunately I'm that guy) So anyway I'm useful if you have a broadly generalized question like, "Where did the Easter Bunny come from?" Maybe that's more specific, but it came from eggs and rabbits representing fertility and yes it is pagan.
Anyway, I don't know the exact physics behind Planck or Kepler, but I understand them because they figured it out first. =)
I am linux guy who has worked in huge corporations and taught in small schools.
Yeay, that's it. Happy April Fools' day.