 43yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Rajpal is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Stargate SG1 and Atlantis |
Ok, ive been coming to this forum for a few years now and i think its about time this topic got a thread. Im a big fan of SG1 and Atlantis since its beginning nearly 10 years ago, ive always had ideas for future plot lines for the show but few ppl never discuss things like these on the stargate forum, there too busy arguing about stupid things like whos more deadlier the wraith or the goa'uld. So i wondered if there are any other fans of the show out there who would like to discuss this. I saw the 9th series of sg1, it was good but i think that there are plot possibilities that the producers just didnt take into context. Atlantis is going from strength to strength and i look forward to the next series. What are your ideas about possible plot lines in the future?
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"If you know the candle is fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago" [ Edited by unknown1 at
 36yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
well for SG-1 the ori's supergate and the ships are a major problem. Im sure they will figure out a way to destroy them. As for Atlantis well with the wraith on the way to Earth that will probablly draw them and the Ori into a fight that might eliminate the Ori in our galaxy and weaken them enough so that Earth can fight back.
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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 43yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Rajpal is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
uhhm? Interesting If the ori and the wraith fight one another that would be a bit the irresistable force meeting the imovable object. The wraith have shere staying and will keep attacking through shere numbers and resiliance where as the ori possess the power and knowledge of ascended beings. Heres an idea, i hope someone in a high position somewhere picks this up. Those of us who have followed the series closely from the beggining know what happened in the episode "The fifth race" in the second series. When o'niell met the asgard in their galaxy and they removed the knowledge of the ancients from his brain they mensioned something to him: "there was once an alliance of four great races, the asgard, the nox, the furlings and the ancients - the builders of the stargates. We have met three of the alien races but we have yet to meet the FURLINGS i believe that they could play a highly significant part in the future plot lines of the stargate series. It is widely held that the ancients are the oldest and most technologically advanced of all the races after all they originally built the stargates, there are hints that all the other races including humans are their descendants. What part could the furlings play in the grand design of things. Heres an idea: perhaps the furlings could hold the key to the origin of the ancients. Perhaps the furlings could be even older than the ancients? There could potentially be a third series created set in the distant past milions of years ago looking at the evolution of the ancients? How their civilisation developed, how they built the stargate network, how they spread across the galaxies, eventually diversified into other species such as the wraith and encountered others like the goa'uld and unas. The furlings could be either the ancestors of the ancients or a related species. Perhaps the ancients evolved to be more human and the furlings evolved to be more physically stronger faster e.t.c Perhpas an experiment in the past to create a hybrid of the two led to the creation of the wraith? I picture the furlings as being somewhat reptilian in apperance perhaps creating a link to ancients reptiles on earth.
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"If you know the candle is fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago"