Forwarded by Peter Bromer <>
I just sent a personal message to all my representatives in Congress, I hope you will join me! Should the U.S. Attack Iran?
George Bush is considering attacking Iran, including using nuclear bombs to do so. Such an attack would be illegal and disastrous. Congress can prevent it, but only if Congres asserts its Constitutional right to decide whether or not the United States goes to war. Congressman Peter DeFazio's H. Con. Res. 391 expresses "the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran with respect to its nuclear program without first obtaining authorization from Congress." This bill is rapidly picking up cosponsors, but needs more. Ask your Congress Member to sign on today. Ask your Senators to take the same step in the Senate. Thank you
My comment to congress was that if we nuke Iran, it would be the worst thing that any country has ever done in the history of our world.