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Politics Too Personal

User Thread
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that 35ft Lemon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Politics Too Personal
Even though I may be a new member here, I have read most of the site and all of its forums on this and that.

While doing so I have come to the conclusion that people get way too concerned about politics. There might be a thread on something as innocent as a preffered type of computer company, the next thing you know you've got people posting comments on how George "dubya" is bringing down society and pulling America straight to hell. BASH BASH BASH

Now I'm not pointing the finger here, I'm just wondering why people feel compelled to utterly destroy other people on the opposite side of the political map.

I encourage debating because it is THE BEST way to get your point out and (some can) intelligently explain your opinions on something. If we didn't debate our views, then the world would be a very bland and robotic. We all know that Bush is a dumbass and could've handled certain situations better (I'm not either Democrat or Republican), but come on, not every fucking thread calls for political flame wars.

Another thing that I've noticed is that people will not only go out of their way to whine about how "well that offends me" and "Religion is too involved with today's world" etc. but they'll also blindy ignore their faults and try to come back with their half-baked theories about how "this" is the reason America is failing.

To put it short: It is nice to debate and discuss different points of views, but dont get carried away with it. And for God's sake please acknowledge other people's points.

- Post back with what you think

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"Midnight Is Where The Day Begins"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
While doing so I have come to the conclusion that people get way too concerned about politics.

Politics is the decision making tool that controls things like a war that happens to be taking place, you know, where people are killing all kinds of people, a war we started.

Politics is the forum deciding whether schools get money or or more nuclear missles are built in america violating anti proliferation agreements or laws.

the next thing you know you've got people posting comments on how George "dubya" is bringing down society and pulling America straight to hell. BASH BASH BASH

Now I'm not pointing the finger here, I'm just wondering why people feel compelled to utterly destroy other people on the opposite side of the political map.

Indeed, there is a frightening degree of people who blindly defend and condemn respective parties. However, when it comes to at least some of the debates, there is a third independant viewpoint that is both being overshadowed and incorrectly grouped into the mindless bashing category.

That is the one of concern over evidence and allegations over criminal activities of members of the government. On a scale and to a degree that demands far more speaking up, but yes, informed and intellegent, reasonable speaking up, without the added danger of the equally as mindlessly threatened "supporting terrorism" through raising valid questions or expressing dissent.

We all know that Bush is a dumbass and could've handled certain situations better (I'm not either Democrat or Republican), but come on, not every fucking thread calls for political flame wars.

Again, pointless name calling and bickering is indeed pointless. But pointing out that the President and many other high ranking members of government are under investigation for numerous crimes, as well as facing allegations of more criminal activity from insider whistleblowers most unknown due to record breakingly overbearing secrecy.

Politics is just a word to describe "professional" social interaction and collective decision making, so it covers a lot of stuff, well everything actually. Meaning it demands and requires much attention and focus.

The creators of known democracy plainly stated that without information and an informed and actively participating citizenship, democracy will fail.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
people get concerned about politics because it has a lot of impact in our lives, and because our political views are entirely opinion. so we do make them personal because they are personal opinions, same as most of the stuff on this site, plus its useful to have something to let off steam on, where you cause little damage or irritation to anyone.

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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
Politics Too Personal
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