But you wouldn't be able to feel any emotion at all from any of your senses... One could not possibly fathom the thought of what that would be like; The softness softness of the pillow would be non existent.
One could perceive senses that evoke emotion from looking, hearing, smelling the pillow. Yet if touch was absent, then yes- this feeling of texture/shape/temperature of the pillow wouldn't exist.
If this did ever happen you mind would try to compensate for that missing emotion by 'pretending' what that emotion is [If you were able to feel emotion before]
This scenario occurs with blind people, who previously in their lives had sight. Yet in regards to the 'touch' sensation, your mind may not be able to compensate the absence of touch. In a more practical sense, reality of sensing the pillow would seem intangible. Being able to remember the individual touch sensations of different objects such as the softness of the pillow, is an important factor in determining the ability to imagine what emotion should or can be evoked.