Some thing does tend to bother me about the whole issue of Gay Rights? [actaually I have more than a few questions]
For an example christians call Jesus the Christ & speak of the Alpha & the Omega?
Which is related to no use of vowels in the Hebrew?
Not being pro-language {can sing nor play music} I am not sure what they mean? Languages have gender (m/f) which is not exactly what we conceive? So languages have vowels (vowel sounds)
Then spoken languages > symbols can be transmitted by combinations of sounds with a root form?
Hmm . . . every notice every once in a while you will hear some christian say something about agape' [sp] some greek word 'having a more defined or precise form' of Love?
But who speaks greek? especially some secular form which had greatly influenced & been influenced by many other languages? Koine Greek was more of the spoken common form rather than the high form used in government, etc.
The vowels were not given that the use of GOD"s Name was held sacred? Old timey thought "You could use the name of the spirit to call it forth & cammand the spirit?"
true err in the way?
Any way they leave out the vowels as to hide the Name of GOD. The man, Jesus, came and lived the life didecated to GOD {& His Fellow man} supplied the vowels that man should know {the Name} of GOD. Then usage of the name had [>] different intent than normally given it?
Oh, we would need the greek manuscripts as well?