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 39yrs • F • 
vlr1986 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
apartheid |
it hurts and distresses me that people can trivilise and refuse to believe apartheid ever happened. for starters there are no facts about how many black people died in south africa because the whites didnt keep a record, they didnt want everyone to know! yes, white people gave SA roads and medication, but they also gave the blacks disease and a totalitarian regime. but what hiurts most is that despite the fact that millions have died as a result of the belief that whites are superior many white people, some of whom have written on this website, still believe it! whites created the first concentration camps, siezed african farmland FIRST, even if blacks have done it since, whites murdered, raped, and tortured thousends upon thousends of blacks. committed some of the worst atorcities of all time, and still people have this twisted belief that white people are better then black people. the reason SA is so messed up now is a direct result of the brutality of the apartheid. we shouldnt condemm the blacks for revenge, we should understand and try to compromise. i find it hard to believe that people think it would be better to bring back the barbaric totalitarian regime of the apartheid. south africa is more racist than ever before, both whites and blacks and no one fully realises how awful it really is. we sit in our perfect houses with our perfect lives and refuse to accept that anything could ever be as bad as the apartheid was. therefore it simply didnt happen. we cant ignore history, it is repeating itself today all over the world. it imply it didnt happen means to ignore the people who fought, not just for their rights, but for a better country for everyone, both black and white. lets hope their deaths were not in vain.
 42yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Fairy Boy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Unless you lied in your profile it does not seem like you are from South Africa, yet you seem to have quite a view point on the whole situation? but please tell me why oh why does everyone always go 'apartheid' 'apartheid' but America was running around (and still does) in white hoodies burning down churches and hanging people..... 
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""Veritatem quaere et insaniam inveni""
 39yrs • F • 
vlr1986 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
apartheid refers to the whole world, its just that the one in south africa was particuly bad. its still happening now, all over the world, its just not enforced by law. i am not from south africa but that doesnt mean that i cant be affected by what has happened there, it affects everyone with a conscience. i hope that the world can learn from what happened there
 42yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Fairy Boy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I am from south africa and i agree with you....but..... did the world learn anything from 9/11 did the world learn anything from Hitler did it learn from anything to do with the whole war on terror....bullshit as a collective we never learn sorry but one or two or even a thousand people are not going to make a difference in this world of bigotry and hate its something we have to live with or you can make your life goal genocide and exterminate the human race before it does it on its own. 
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""Veritatem quaere et insaniam inveni""
 65yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I still have a little faith, I think we do learn. So far nothing has been as bad a 6 million murdered jews. And history before that really doesn't have accurate body counts, but bad awful things did happen. It seems that like you say, it keeps happening again, over and over. But each time it isn't as bad, we do learn. Currently - Most Africans in my lifetime have died from starvation. There are many organizations here in the United who have tried to help, but due to current governments, they were unable to. I remember Clinton sending troops to try to enforce food shipments, but still many died, and still dieing, and getting worse. Current governments are to blame. As I understand it, these governments are ruled by black people. However - it is global warming caused by the whites that is a major player in this. I recently watched Hotel Rewanda. That was blacks killing blacks based on a system of prejudice created by white people. I don't know a lot about apartheid. All I know is that the whites ruled and then the whites were forced out of power. I'm sure they some things wrong, otherwise I'm sure would not have been forced out by the people. There are good people in this world. I believe there are more good people then bad. What I don't understand is how bad people get power over good people. Because darkness cannot overtake the light, the light can only overtake the darkness. What happens is, we let the light go out. This is something that we need to look at and try to change.
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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
apartheid |