41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that patape is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
religiouis guy said it... |
some guy on the radio who wrote a book about Jesus said that he doesnt believe in jesus after his journey and research.. i forget why.. a main reason i think was that OTHER RELGIONS (HINDU ETC.. had the same idea of jesus like a son of god or something, that claimed to be son prhopet of god and all of that simlar stuff) he concluded that jesus (therefore probalby christiant and any organized religion) is crap! (not that harsh but just adressing side) now that i addresed that.. conmclude crisses bibles n eusus n all of that stuff have nothing to do with god anyomre than anything else.. i guess they seem close cuase relgion is like the prohpet of god or sometihng.. it make sit seem more real so stick to it.. i think praying is the only closet thing to god in a ny religion.. u? cause praying (not a maililon times a day asking begging for everhy thing to change.. you gotta let it tale it scioasre.. but just ato know hes there..) thats where it comes fomr (uis my beleif) but we believe what we want... im just trying to tell peopel who beleive Jesus i(a human) is directly realted to god to open up.. you gaota think.... but i guess can go more into it and maybe god is just from us for psycological resons.. but thats a hwole other issue.. im adresing the god related to the bible n stuff isdau
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41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that patape is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
bump, i forgot what i wrote but Jesus might not have to do with god (claimer had attacritve religionm based on human moral instincts) and or like the guy on radio sasid jeusus most likly dodnt exist cause idea was bitten off tha hindu etc etc.. look itno it adventure !
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"no quote until i copyright it.."