Utter Israeli Contempt for the United Nations: A Cause for War? by Michael Hoffman In his State of the Union Address of Jan. 28, 2003, President Bush cited as grounds for war against Iraq, Saddam Hussein's "utter contempt" for the United Nations.
Eight European heads of state, including the leaders of Britain, Italy, Spain and Denmark, in supporting the American drive for war on Iraq, wrote in the bloodthirsty Zionist newspaper Wall Street Journal:
"The U.N...Security Council must maintain its credibility by ensuring full compliance with its resolutions. We cannot allow a dictator to systematically violate those resolutions. If they are not complied with, the Security Council will lose its credibility and world peace will suffer as a result." --Silvio Berlusconi, Tony Blair, Vaclav Havel, Anders Rasmussen, et al, "United We Stand," Wall Street Journal, Jan. 30, p. A14.
As Bush, Blair, Berlusconi and the other European leaders are fully aware, the Israelis have for years been in gross contempt of U.N. Security Council resolutions, yet none of these "valiant European leaders" who "stood united" against Saddam and his broken-down joke of a Third World military will dare enforce UN resolutions against Sharon and his world-class Israeli military, bristling with nukes and the latest US armaments.
If contempt for the United Nations and the non-existent credibility of its farcial Security Council is indeed a just cause for war, then NATO and the U.S. should declare war on the Israelis. But in reality, the war on Iraq has nothing to do with the "credibility" of the Security Council. Iraq is being targeted solely in obeisance to Zionism, the ideology which drives the Israeli satrapy known as the United States of America.
Which country alone in the Middle East is in defiance of sixty-nine separate United Nations Security Council Resolutions and has been protected by U.S vetoes?
Israel. Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspection?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East seized sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of UN Security Council Resolutions?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers; soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East had a top United Nations Diplomat, Count Folke Bernadotte, assassinated in 1948?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East prevents Palestinian refugees from returning to their homeland, in violation of UN Security Council resolution 194?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East bombarded a United Nations refugee compound at Qana, Lebanon in 1996, for 17 minutes, killing 106 civilians, more than half of them children?
Israel. Which country in the Middle East, in spite of repeated demands, refused to allow United Nations war crimes investigators into the Jenin refugee camp to conduct an assessment of deaths and injuries to Palestinian civilians in April of 2002?
Israel. "We have no intention of letting (Israeli) soldiers be investigated or even give testimony." --Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, April 29, 2002, responding about possible IDF warcrimes
Which country in the Middle East assassinated a U.N. official last year?
Israel. On Nov. 22, 2002 in Bethlehem, Iain John Hook, 52, an official with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), was shot by Israeli troops. To ensure that Hook bled to death, Israeli soldiers kept an ambulance from reaching him.
In spite of all of the preceding examples of Israeli contempt, violations and crimes, there is no move of any kind from any European or American leader for inspections, ultimatums or investigations of the Israeli government, which enjoys de facto immunity from all U.N. Security Council Resolutions.
Crimes of commission by the Israeli government and omission by the United Nations:
"The U.N. permits the Israelis to perpetrate "extra-judicial" assassinations of hundreds of Palestinians accused of resisting Israeli forces. President Bush and his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have adopted this Israeli murder stratagem and have undertaken a policy of assassinating "suspected" al-Qaeda operatives, such as occurred in Yemen on Nov. 3, when an aptly named Hellfire missile from a drone aircraft, burned alive six men, including an American (Kamal Derwish), without apprehension, trial or any public presentation of evidence of guilt." Cf. Seymour M. Hersh, "Manhunt," The New Yorker, Dec. 23, 2003, pp. 66 & 70.
"The movements of nearly all Palestinians are already sharply restricted by Israeli forces..." N.Y. Times, Jan. 8, 2003, p. A8.
"Israeli forces staged two major operations in the West Bank...where they closed television stations and demolished a block-long fruit and vegetable market...a convoy of tanks and bulldozers rumbled toward the open-air market in the center of town, then methodically flattened and swept aside scores of stalls hewn roughly from wood, tin and canvas...soldiers had warned vendors to remove their stalls so that tanks could use the street..." James Bennet, "Israeli Raids in Hebron After Sharon Rebuffs Arafat on Talks," N.Y. Times, Jan. 30, 2003.
The U.N. permits the Israelis to collectively punish the entire population of Palestinians, women, the elderly and children, due to the religion of Judaism's identification of all Palestinians as "Amalek" (i.e. a nation deserving of wholesale extermination). This collective punishment doctrine includes confinement of the Palestinian population to their homes for days and even weeks at a time; shooting any Palestinian who attempts to leave their home even briefly; fencing and blockading entire Palestinian cities and turning them into besieged ghettos as in Warsaw under the Nazis; attacks on Palestinian hospitals and churches; the destruction of Palestinian housing and infrastructure including water and electricity; the demolition of Palestinian food markets and olive groves; the destruction of Palestinian small business enterprises and banks.
Hoffman is co-author, with Moshe Lieberman, of
The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians , which is also a bestseller on