God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122958 Views Religion Forum |
History and science have shown that truth only comes from those willing to forget what they thought was true. Science has described reality in a more and more accurate way throughout the centuriesI th... |
Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12103 Views Religion Forum |
Actually Ethereal has a good point here. We can only judge if something is true by comparison to our costs and values.
However, to have a set of concrete ideals to decide whether something is true... |
 69yrs • F
Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42143 Views Religion Forum |
I believe we should stand firmly for what we KNOW to be true.
But we must ask our self?
Do I KNOW? or Do I think I KNOW?
These are not easy questions. They take time to answer. We... |
how do you think of chinese
10 Posts • 2757 Views Talk Talk |
Well, theres to much of them, the true chinese died out centurys ago. China was an awsome country with the martial arts stuff, fighting styles
That's not true. Don't believe everything... |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9478 Views Psychology Forum |
Is it inconceivable to you that many women actually love the things you deride?
There are many women, and I know many myself, who say 'I love make up' with plenty of cheer and seeming happi... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15611 Views Religion Forum |
I have spent many years trying to find the TRUE religion. I think the TRUE church has been taken up already. It happened just before the creation of the Catholic church. But it's just a theory. I... |
SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9681 Views Religion Forum |
you have yet to comprehensively explain what the 'absolute universal truth' is.
I now know what the problem is. You think that for something to be true we must know it and be able to expl... |
10 Posts • 2461 Views Talk Talk |
never say you cant have true love at a young age, tahts not true lol :) |
Relationships & LoveBreakup E-mails
0 Posts • 2893 Views Psychology Forum |
Fat people are so undesirable. True. Mean, but true. |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31953 Views Psychology Forum |
"Don't know about all of you, but I'm sickened by this. Too many women kill themselves to get the looks you guys want. They lose self-confidence and pursue the perfect look for the rest... |
Religion & HumanityWhy do you believe in your book?
5 Posts • 3197 Views Religion Forum |
There are true scriptures and there are false scriptures. The only true test is your own heart, which can also deceive you.
I think when you discover truth (you feel free), As it is written "T... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15611 Views Religion Forum |
Maybe... man did not create the root of beliefs.
Man was the crafter of many religions for selfish benifits, but in the bible, God says to worship him. Maybe their is belief because God created it.... |
30 Posts • 10009 Views Philosophy Forum |
I can't say I regret anything really.When you think about it every action taken in life moves you towawrd some goal or another.Although they don't seem fair or right at the time they get you... |
Religion & HumanityAllegorical or Literal?
21 Posts • 7198 Views Religion Forum |
What you are doing is making a belief or an opinion a fact to you, making it possible for you to believe it. Thats ok. We all do this. But you have to remember its just a belief or opinion that we dec... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55445 Views Philosophy Forum |
So true. Hence my referal to matter and energy as 'potentials'.
It& #039;s impossible for me to put into words my true understanding of this reality we're in... I'm waiting for s... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40581 Views Religion Forum |
JackerJones wrote:
"The key words there are what if. What if I were a movie star. Pleasant thinking doesn't make it true."
I was not asserting that it was true. |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was just going to post that. I was doing a search to see how bush was doing and found all his ad campaigns on www.bushin30seconds.org.
Cr acked me up - How true, how true indeed. I liked the one &... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29867 Views Jokes & Games |
if u found true love your true love would eventually get very annoying and follow u to work and u would lose your job an become a tramp
i wish i had some pizza*mad* |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24282 Views Religion Forum |
the patrish bible consists of "god is grea he is so good, i no he is real becuz a book says so, the bible is true jesus of nazarus is true. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA |
Nuclear weapons
3 Posts • 3188 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Far too true. Far too true. I noticed you did upload it, however....:) |
Is this true..?
4 Posts • 2379 Views Talk Talk |
Is it true that the USA planed the 9/11 so they could start the war for oil ???? |
Human Nature & EmotionTrue Love is not a Myth.
5 Posts • 4140 Views Philosophy Forum |
True love is non-dependence on the other.
True love comes from the infinite within and flows into the infinite without.
Dependence on the other is a love/hate,which is a constant battle for control... |
Just For FunWebsites to Visit When You are Bored
2 Posts • 5570 Views Talk Talk |
It's true, it's lame and useless but addictive. LOL.
I thought ragestaches or true facts are good websites to visit when boredom came, but it turns out that these two websites are less inte... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19213 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Basically I was condemning you for your generalization and showing up the fact that there are different social cultural currents that affect the western european women and the eastern european women.... |