ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
a friend and i were talking about the tsunami bomb just days before this tragedy. very strange... |
PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13505 Views Art Forum |
Long story I know but there is a point that may be worth trudging through it? So I looked at the lens when he had first arrived on the scene. It appeared to be an older lens (Minolta) that was designe... |
PerceptionConcieveing Certain Things
16 Posts • 6173 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm...well there are colors at higher and lower frequencies that we humans are not able to see...that's pretty strange to think about also.*cool* |
Random QuestionsFirst kiss.
37 Posts • 9245 Views Talk Talk |
its not strange.you will have your moment.god,i feel old saying that.lol.and the only Halley Berry movie i have actually watched all the way through is Catwoman.lol.so..... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77269 Views Psychology Forum |
Sure. I make my living making films about strange characters and Poser is one of the strangest. Of course, I know him by another name or two. |
ChristianityHow did Jesus get in the Psalms?
3 Posts • 2723 Views Religion Forum |
Your sites you post look like the people that made them are trying to infect your mind with bad information. They put everything up in a strange way. |
112 Posts • 27056 Views Talk Talk |
anyone try this new Mountain Dew: Pitch Black ? ... its very strange.... if you like grape soda youll probably love it! |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31960 Views Psychology Forum |
Bad? No, no just different, and a bit strange cause most girls I know are more into big meaty older men.
Cool to see all the interesting folk there is on these gorums :) |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21567 Views Religion Forum |
The artificial truth looks better than the real truth.
Ya if that was directed my way then I failed to communicate effectively.
The photo was the winning entry to an orchid show.
Orchids being in... |
DreamsImagination/Dream theory
14 Posts • 7770 Views Psychology Forum |
When I close my eyes I often see this rapidly unulating pattern of green lights it is so strange. it feels like a tunnel of sorts that is undulating it is odd.
But I think I have seen the particle... |
Twisted Fairy Tales
15 Posts • 3776 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
are there very many common guys on this site? i thought most of us classed as fairly strange.
hows the writing going, got much further with it? |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11501 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just had a strange thought of my own though (assuming you're right). Maybe deja vu is you remembering that something happened because it did the last time the Big Bang occurred. |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
wesdawgy - yeah i get really paranoyed, i know it's supposed to go away with the time but it doesn't work that way for me... strange.... i wish i could really enjoy it though :( |
Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7524 Views Science & Technology Forum |
So Strange that in all the Choas, it is where life forms that give its substance to form? Organism contiain order? |
return of the story teller!
18 Posts • 5301 Views Talk Talk |
bee and mr.bunny quickly became inquisitively interested in this strange looking animal, and decided to curiouisly watch it behind the bushes. |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160044 Views Talk Talk |
Lol. niice.. That sounds amazing
hmmm... I have a Very stong/strange attraction to the scent of any kind of Vanilla. |
3 Posts • 2170 Views Talk Talk |
Strange, you talk about leading for a just cause and a week later, without any knowledge that you wrote this, I produced something similar, albeit more specific. Perhaps it's something in the air... |
PedophiliaSex and Masturbation
4 Posts • 5668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I saw a couple more clips and I find it a bit strange that all her possessors have an English accent... lol. Either way it's still an interesting view on sex and masturbation. |
Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7454 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hmm . . . the same principles apply to the particles as atoms & molecules as they apply to solar systems & galaxies. Yet they seem to act/react so differently?
At one level they exist in a st... |
Colours of the RainBow
20 Posts • 7256 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ah. thank you. Both shots are of an orchid flower I had picked up downtown and shot available light on daylight balanced chrome.
The upper shot uses the cultured marble top as a backdrop, while the... |
'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Gosh, I feel like someone with low intelligence when I can't understnd what people are saying. Maybe Dawn sees farther out that I do. Who knows. Or maybe I'm just tired. My self-esteem wants... |
1 Posts • 2262 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The dim darkness-the diffused light-dimness of one merging into the other-
imparting more length to the long trees that are standing like stretched out
shadows wearing stars in their hair- silence i... |
For some one I love
5 Posts • 3133 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It's a new year, alls the same, just like the year its been, but with one addition, the addition I don't know how to handle, a friend like u I never had before, A friend like u I always se... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12020 Views Talk Talk |
The strange voices seemed to stun the bull dyke- Fred took adantage of the situation and booted her in the midsection sespecting all along she was a man- man! |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160044 Views Talk Talk |
Lady, LOL...watch out for Motormouth...hehehe.....
If I step on a crack in the sidewalk with my left foot, I have to 'equal' it out by doing the same with my right. (that has to be very s... |