A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good - Beatleboy182
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Tagged > Space time
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 66288 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
But I Was So Close With my waist wrapped against "No, everythings wrong." I can take back the heart. Screaming out of control. If you think thats enough then leave me alone. I can put...
THREAD Chuck Norris is the biggest bad-ass ever!
15 Posts • 15010 Views
Jokes & Games
Chuck Norris uses ribbed condoms inside out, so he gets the pleasure. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it is not because he...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 90572 Views
Philosophy Forum
"How do you define nothingness? If nothingness is when there is nothing, then, for my existence prior to my life there was nothing." Yes that defines nothing properly. However, you are fo...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIs Budhism a religion or philosophy?
11 Posts • 9569 Views
Religion Forum
All I'm trying to say is that I consider myself a Christian, I like to read the bible although I do not consider it the be all and end all of how my life should be because of its historical socia...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 76389 Views
Psychology Forum
My theory is, stupid people have stupid kids, and their stupid kids have stupid kids...and so the population is littered with these dense idiots. So much for evolution, eh? *lol* Regrettably, I...
THREAD Relationships... or Lack Thereof
7 Posts • 3310 Views
Philosophy Forum
My parents divorced when I was 7 in an age when NO ONE got divorced. From that moment I longed for a family. As a high school senior, I was one of 2 (out of a class of 875) that wanted to get married...
THREAD Gender Psychologywhy do guys lie???
21 Posts • 10543 Views
Psychology Forum
Yep!...I agree...All people lie, especially when they first meet people...If not in a literal sense, then in simply the way a person presents themselves...almost like acting...When I first meet someon...
THREAD BooksBook dissection
20 Posts • 12900 Views
Talk Talk
Select a paragraph from a book you like and post it here. It could be any kind of book: litterature. poetry, philosophy, history, politics etc etc. This way each person will be his own judge. when...
THREAD Venting!!!!
28 Posts • 7043 Views
Philosophy Forum
hey everyone! look im 730!! ----------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------- haha hahahahahahaahaha......m not wrong...w.das im not rigthsdmdsmdff ..im insane .........a...
THREAD ElectionsSchwarzenegger for president?
19 Posts • 6864 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I posted this same question on another political board I visit. Below is a reply from an individual which I tend to agree with. As a nation that has always accepted Immagrants we have for some reas...
THREAD GamesThe Copter Game
69 Posts • 87847 Views
Jokes & Games
I'm so bad at this. I used to play it all the time in high school and now I'm sitting here playing at work. I blame all of your for bringing my productivity down.
THREAD ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12381 Views
Art Forum
For awhile I was feeling like that everyday. And occasionally I'll feel like that now, and usually when I have spent a long period of time in my room doing whatever.
THREAD Music VideosAW's Music Thread
29 Posts • 5704 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I started to learn how to play and sing this at the same time, can't falceto like that though, that's ridiculous... Banquet by Bloc Party
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhy Are You Angry
25 Posts • 6521 Views
Psychology Forum
show your emotions most of the time, but dont give them total control, if annoyed, admit it, but keep your cool.
THREAD PhotographyOriginal Photography Post
74 Posts • 30314 Views
Art Forum
Summit, I find that this amount of people in one place at one time, is very nauseating to look at. :p This is just a tree I took a picture of on one of my walks.
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainStrange things with memory
11 Posts • 3563 Views
Psychology Forum
Haahhaa I forget what day it is most of the time. Hmmm maybe its carbon emmissions.;) Or maybe people have always had bad memories and just hid it from the rest of society.
THREAD TV Show ReviewsT.V
35 Posts • 13955 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Friends,Glee,Dexter,South Park,Family Guy,Greek,Bones, these are my all time favorites .
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 54422 Views
Philosophy Forum
umm there are many of reasons one could be cause we all think alike.. and this is a good place to discuss our ideas with other minds that are willing to listen.. sometimes i come on just to kill ti...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyLoss of Virginity
33 Posts • 15074 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
that's quite true, but if it became enforced practice to wait until marriage, it would happen. I suppose it would then be time to get the guiliteen out from the mothballs
THREAD the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18040 Views
Talk Talk
this one time, at band camp, i stuck a trumpet in my ass and then i killed myself for wasting two hours of my life on American Pie.
THREAD just a question..
8 Posts • 2498 Views
Talk Talk
Tell her you know what's really going on before the trip, but then refuse to discuss anything until you get back. That way she'll feel awkward the whole time and may end up making random con...
THREAD IntimacyStarting to feel bad after sex
4 Posts • 3712 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Men in our society are conditioned to feel like sex is a gift from a woman to them, something they have gotten away with, something they must pay for. What you describe is likely guilt. It's beca...
THREAD SocietyPolitical Compass
17 Posts • 7255 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I took it again to see my exact scores, so I may have answered them differently from last time, but they are: Economic Left/Right: -6.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
THREAD SpiritualityBelief
27 Posts • 6658 Views
Religion Forum
get a drink. take a piss, and stop ripping your hair out. i like to think of myself as a quik thinker, you have plenty of time to get where i am. take it slow. little by little.
THREAD Relationships & LoveEstablishment within another
6 Posts • 2863 Views
Psychology Forum
Zach, When I have a little more time I will formulate a response. I believe there is great merit and learning opportunities for all in breaking down the complexities of the self.
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