Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5424 Views Psychology Forum |
*eek* well holy hell someone agreed with ME of all people
so you see for once i am about relationships and should move on
p.s thanks fer agreeing tom |
Religion & HumanityReligious Wars
6 Posts • 2741 Views Religion Forum |
I would agree with her... Religion is a tool for people to gain power at the expense of others. |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWalking with eyes closed
6 Posts • 5488 Views Psychology Forum |
So that would mean that people born blind do not have an innate fear of bumping into things? |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7468 Views Religion Forum |
But that is what I meant Wyote. We, I, am a misunderstood people, given a false definition. Or do you suggest a new one? |
ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4110 Views Religion Forum |
Be careful -
You may upset the cynical fear that drives so many people today. |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
government is a product of people, maybe we should focus on the origin instead of trying to create something out of something already broken. |
Why isn't P.D. Ouspensky as world renouned as Einstien?
2 Posts • 2742 Views Philosophy Forum |
As you can see from the number of responses you've gotten, not many people know him (or his teacher Gurdjieff). That's sad because if they understood him they would understand everything. |
Society & Sociologyfiuck it
6 Posts • 5311 Views Psychology Forum |
some people are better at finding satisfaction than others. fact is, no matter what you do you can be happy with it if you choose to. |
War & TerrorismMy Views
20 Posts • 7524 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Its still evident that all kinds of people are still willing to get physical for any number or reasons, especially economic. |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16748 Views Psychology Forum |
people that give inanimate objects personalities and human traits |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50312 Views Religion Forum |
there is zero proof of god, just shit load of stupid people that beleive in him, and a few intelligent ones. |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27269 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
homosexuality is great for us all. we dont need more people in the world. its natures way of saying we are too crowded lol. |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
*Walks in with that a bottle of Heinekin for MiA*
Are you sure its not the part about liking people Hawk? He he he he he. J/K |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
OH but doesn't god have a plan for all of us?
Oh, wesdawg, I wasn't mocking anyone, I just through that in there to see if it would change the way people think. |
the Dink above me
0 Posts • 2718 Views Talk Talk |
Oblivion's a dink for using my highschool prank to look cool. Or at least he told people about it. |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41115 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i havent seen it either, but i have read from many many people on various websites, and they all seem to agree that it is one big ball of suckyness *lol* :( |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I like how if a kid has a disability then people say god made him that way. Or if couple break up someone would say, well god has a plan for you. Yet if someone is gay, then well, they are sinners. Hm... |
Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8560 Views Religion Forum |
The very fact that you ask other people to talk to your imginary friend for you is a sign that you are weak. |
Your Pet Peves
15 Posts • 8405 Views Talk Talk |
People who blast their cd player while they drum their fingers and bob their heads constantly. |
What Bad Trait Do you most condemn
15 Posts • 3397 Views Talk Talk |
People who think they know eveything, and when you ask for help they look down on u....[bastards think their so smart....*sits in corner and calms down*] :D |
Brave or stupid?
5 Posts • 3402 Views Philosophy Forum |
brave for the person, stoopuid for himself... it all depends on perspectrive which can chanfge in peoples minds depending on which side they dont feel is adressed!.. How bout this one something like C... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7986 Views Philosophy Forum |
First of all, your posts to me, seem pretty incoherent, as your explanations seem vauge and contradictory.
For the abstract, take an electric guitar. By itself, with out an amplifier, its just a fu... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57916 Views Religion Forum |
The man who raped the girl and buried her alive is not evil, evil made him do it, as he explained, he was sorry for her yet continued to throw dirt on top of her.
My friend, I knew him when he clai... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok, hear me out, then tell me if I am wrong.
All my life I have heard the "Golden Rule." You know, do onto others as you would want done to yourself. Well, for some reason I took the sayi... |
7 Posts • 3891 Views Talk Talk |
I'm no fan of sport utility vehicles. They're not sporty, they're not utilitarian, they're too heavy, they use too much fuel. They're so big the rest of us can't see wher... |