With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. - Max Ehrmann
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Tagged > Human
THREAD Religion & HumanityGhost Dance Religion
4 Posts • 2954 Views
Religion Forum
I didn't think it was weird, I thought it was a testament to the human spirit. Sadley the indians were being killed, starved, tortured, inslaved, and basically stripped of all their rights - s...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24612 Views
Philosophy Forum
After 60 years of looking for the answers - I decided that there is NO answer. The human race may be been started with some intelligent design or outside intervention, but that designer is no long...
THREAD GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I agree that humans expansion looks just like an infection or virus. take a look at any map, and compare it the the growth of a fungus. I keep wondering for what do we need with all these people?...
THREAD Philosophy Needs a Visceral Connection
1 Posts • 2347 Views
Philosophy Forum
Philosophy Needs a Visceral Connection The visceral (instinctive, unreasoning, and 'earthy') domain of human reality is not exclusively the domain of intellection but is a partnership with the crud...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50291 Views
Religion Forum
there is a difference between sects and denominations. the differences between denominatations are miniscule. it is more about the preference one may have for worship then anything else. Sects off Chr...
141 Posts • 31175 Views
Talk Talk
Am I cynical of UNcontrolled human breeding? ABSOLUTELY!!! We're required to have a driver license, pilot license, business license, professional license, and so on. Yet, rampant immoral Breed...
THREAD We exist to keep on existing
19 Posts • 5944 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think 'why we exist' is a very simple concept. Existence is anything that comprises of matter and space (so everything in the universe). As humans we cannot exist without information that...
THREAD Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7491 Views
Philosophy Forum
ever since i saw moth man prophocies i have been scared to look in the mirror when it goes from dark to light. one of the characters, the farmer guy, said, "last night when i looked in the mirror...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25433 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Would cloning an entire person pose problems for crime and such? If two people have the same DNA and fingerprints, would it not be harder to prove which person, the natural human or the clone, committ...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51790 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
okcitykid, I actually think I see your point. If prostitution is legal, there is at least a legal sanction (whether it is observed or not) and a right to seek legal counsel that can not be nullified b...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsOur strengths and weakneses
9 Posts • 3082 Views
Talk Talk
Hey, what are your strengths and weaknesses? If i were to start Strength I am able to fight againts the majority opinion, even when it is difficult, but i stand for what I believe in. W...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31802 Views
Talk Talk
"Mmm soilent green" Vegetarians obviously have a right to eat what they want, meat eaters dont eat all meats, or all alternatives either. Its what you like and then its your morales that...
THREAD Science and Faith.-their applications to truth.
12 Posts • 3513 Views
Philosophy Forum
New "Essay"- ---------- --- Science and Faith.-their applications to truth. Science is comparable to us... because we developed it. As is Faith. And though faith is necessary in scie...
THREAD Destruction of Life
8 Posts • 3262 Views
Talk Talk
Yes but it's only a single cell. you probably lose thousands or millions of cells over the span of a week. Personally I don't have a problem with stem cell research becasue a stem cell can b...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16741 Views
Psychology Forum
i hate those who think they are the only person on earth and think that they are the best of human kind who everybody suppose to be...they often make steam blown out from my ears as they do anything a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityEvil relative?
11 Posts • 4228 Views
Religion Forum
Evil, or mental and physical anguish caused by natural or human means, will always be relative to each individual's point of view so long as evil, as defined, exists. However, if God, or whatever...
THREAD Too much "love"
28 Posts • 6488 Views
Talk Talk
Well, I guess it's human nature to feel uncomfortable or to question their partner's faitfulness and well-being, but I never knew that guys thought it was such a big deal to hang out with ot...
THREAD philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17941 Views
Philosophy Forum
hmm, friends.. what a very iffy subject, to me friends will leave you, nobody can keep a secret,their human, humans are selfish. the only person you have is yourself, you can only rely on yourself. yo...
THREAD Would Anarchy mean chaos?
8 Posts • 2781 Views
Philosophy Forum
In my opinion, in this type of society, it wouldnt work but if the human race was naturally a more peaceful and less greedy race it could work. The one big problem with it is that someone will even...
THREAD General HealthHoly Harmony
3 Posts • 3078 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Jonathan Goldman This was happened upon by me after some interesting research into all manner of subjects. From esoteric knowledge and the general search for the truth of human potential. Sac...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views
Psychology Forum
Natural human beings interest, if you hate the women - not problem why you hate the women, find the answer in himself. I think you find the solution himself
THREAD StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3674 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Extracting herself from her deepest feelings of weakness, she had again reverted back to her one reliance of security. Destroy your enemy... Yet, is that all there is in this limitless world? she as...
THREAD Anti-Bush Jokes (or related)
9 Posts • 7844 Views
Jokes & Games
What were George W. Bush's three hardest years? Second grade. Why is Dolly Parton jealous of Washington D.C.? It has two of the biggest boobs in the world - Bush & Dick What's th...
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5946 Views
Religion Forum
The continuity of the human race is the soul's journey, surely? How you live your life in this world is just as important if not more than reaching some metaphysical enlightened state of nirvana...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24428 Views
Religion Forum
The actual death of Christ is not what Christians consider meaningful. The Resurrection is the meaningful event because it allowed the human soul to enter Heaven instead of descending to Hell which is...
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