Society & SociologySony has been corupted.
10 Posts • 3240 Views Psychology Forum |
Sony has been curopted folks. I bet Jack Thompson got to them. This game has been out for a few months now, the name of this evil spawn of evil is THE BIBLE GAME. Seriouslly has sony decided to kill u... |
God in ReligionA Philosophy Professor's Lecture On God
5 Posts • 3428 Views Religion Forum |
were in the world did you get this? its great. ive heard other storie things like this before. always loved them.
though i dont believe in the christians idea of god and i dont go around killing an... |
Favorite quotes so far.
40 Posts • 12898 Views Talk Talk |
sorry you have had bad experiences but that is just what they are. We have some great people here.
I will never put donw another country due to the fact that we all have our ignorant people. Every p... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55473 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do believe I'm at fault.. My ego is really not that great, maybe i offended you when i said "congradulations" sorry i was in a hurry at school so i couldn't think of a good respo... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeEnilightenment
23 Posts • 7751 Views Philosophy Forum |
I also hope that everyone experiences this at one point in time their life. I have felt this a great deal through learning and self-realization. Self-realization mostly though. But to its full extent... |
Desperation, by Stephen King ***SPOILER***
4 Posts • 7791 Views Talk Talk |
i thought the book was great..all of the peolpe being taken over by evil..marvelous..
but i dont know that there was some alterior meaning behind the story..although i cant say that i looked for on... |
Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9076 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
My friend,
Your poems are great!
But instead of wasting your time writing in this list, maybe you should post somewhere where people will be more interested in poetry per say.
I wonder if people e... |
how do you think of chinese
10 Posts • 2757 Views Talk Talk |
What a ridiculous topic, this is no more than racism, why would you genralise like that ?
I would never hate a race, I judge all people equally. I know some Chinese people that I dislike and some t... |
Random QuestionsPrayer Request
7 Posts • 3834 Views Talk Talk |
i know none of u know me
i'll be going on a
on the spot job interview today at 5:00 p.m.
so can u guys/girls pray that i give a great interview and get the job
thanks to all those who... |
3 Posts • 3319 Views Talk Talk |
worms is a great game, but no matter how good (or amusingly weird) the weapons get in worms, there will still be the fun memories of playing gorrillas and typing in the angles. lol. |
Gears of War
10 Posts • 2578 Views Talk Talk |
it is a brilliant game, the combat system is a bit weird to get used to, but it is a great system, other fps games should adopt it, it makes things much more interesting when using cover is easier. |
51 Posts • 13383 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Only memories of the past, from long ago nothing can ever last, we took for granted what we had, now it is just sad, to see what once was great, in such a desolate state, maybe our youth has faded awa... |
6 Posts • 3797 Views Religion Forum |
First, sorry if I confudled anyone, but I have no prob with going to church. Infact, aside from my mother, I am the only one who enjoys going.
And secondly, Dreamer, you seem to have a great amount... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21564 Views Religion Forum |
i think church would be of better use to todays society if it were more personal rather than social. in the past it has been great as a social event but with how things are these days im not sure its... |
14 Feb 2004
4 Posts • 2840 Views Talk Talk |
"Happy Valentines to all people on this FORUM you guys are so great and I hope you make the most of this special day with your loved ones!"
HUGGS from ME! |
Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7271 Views Philosophy Forum |
"No law can be sacred to me but that of nature. Good and Bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is again... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59383 Views Philosophy Forum |
So if I as one person gain great happiness by helping somebody it is less right then ten people who get pleasure out of beating somebody?
Why do you judge quantity to be more important than quality... |
Life & DeathMusic theory to life theory
4 Posts • 3714 Views Philosophy Forum |
The tuning of instruments dates back to the greeks. The Pythagoreans came up with a ratio 2:1 the golden ratio. They used it to tune their lyres and harps. There is one problem with this type of "... |
IslamConfessions of the West
2 Posts • 2223 Views Religion Forum |
Again, western countries are calling to separate boys and girls in schools, let us read ...
Boys need to be taught separately from girls from the age of five to prevent them being damaged by the ed... |
Poetryat the Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop-ist Convention
1 Posts • 2524 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Wolf Larsen gives a speech at the Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop-ist Convention
"Boing - boing - boing! The time has come to run and marauder and sing the Freudian marijuana bongs of Transy... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167906 Views Psychology Forum |
*sleepy* Also, mother's can make you miserable. You love them and they play their games to get you back into their life. You fall for it and feel stupid again. It only tears you down emotionally... |
BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105930 Views Talk Talk |
dead on Entrancing. the book is so great because it captures the emotion of being a teen so well. you dont have to personally go through everything to be able to relate and understand Charlie. Charlie... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views Talk Talk |
I'm interested in anything that will give me my success, confidence, sense of belonging and the sense of being wanted back. I will take any advice dealing with why I feel like this, but I want to... |
Music VideosKraftwerk
3 Posts • 2916 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A great German electronica band. What's most impressive is that a lot of this stuff was made in the 70's and 80's and a lot of it is sampled and remixed today. Kraftwerk is also still p... |
112 Posts • 27057 Views Talk Talk |
Hey folks after some absence I have returned to this post to see that it has grown nicely- There is a lot to catch up on as well and it is great to seee some familiar avatars.
My pc had some issues... |