Government Cover-up
6 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
Meh, you might be interested in reading ILLUMINATUS! Trilogy....google it or search amazon...you'll have to order it, most book stores don't carry it....actually barns and nobel will on occa... |
Thinking of Disabling YouTube videos.
0 Posts • 1175 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
youtube is inferior. i would suggest seperating youtube videos from google videos, as disabling youtube would simply remove an entire avenue of information. |
Myspace.com is a disgusting existence.
17 Posts • 5850 Views Talk Talk |
hooray for myspace! dont you just love Tom? he is my best (and only) friend, i love him so.
no, seriously. why are you laughing? grr thats it! im writing a terrible, horrible nasty entry about how... |
Skateboarding websites
0 Posts • 15159 Views Talk Talk |
I'm not really into the whole s8r scene, but you could try looking around at a local bookstore for popular skate mags or maybe even other mags, like music mags. Find their websites, or use maybe... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9330 Views Religion Forum |
political bombings happen all the time, most is just called war. And 911 actually may be different than you were taught, fyi.
Google false flag to get an idea of the deceptive nature of another side... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41993 Views Religion Forum |
i disagree strongly with a "balance of good and evil"
i found this website through google/ speaks about the problem of evil and god's character.
http://www.antio ch.com.sg/~vcfnus/... |
ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
google..love that, sadly enough its true.
i dont understand debt... how can the govt. seize millions of americans credit, homes, belongings every year when they owe more money than all of american... |
Changes and a Redirection for Captain Cynic
1 Posts • 72483 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
The site has been quiet for a long while. After a handful of Google's algorithm changes, our position in search results rankings dropped severely. That was quite traumatic as I'd spent so mu... |
IslamDoes this have something to do with islam?
3 Posts • 2476 Views Religion Forum |
I recently saw someone write this word: "sana" or "sanaa". I think it probably have something to do with islam/quran or it may have some meaning in arabic.
Anyone know what it mea... |
About You / IntroductionsPlease tell me about your avatar.
11 Posts • 5296 Views Talk Talk |
Silhouetted, at first glance I thought your avatar was a Pagan Pentacle, until I saw the heart shape. I'll have to check them (HIM) out. Even though my metal rock days are afar, I don't mind... |
AstronomyDecember 21st 2012
9 Posts • 4906 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Seeing as we're on this topic. If the Mayans are right its probably a tranistion to a 'new age'. Anyway, I'm going to put it here but could be a new topic on its own.
Indigo Chi... |
1 Posts • 4196 Views Jokes & Games |
This is my favorite game. I have been waiting for this game to come out for months and I am not dissapointed. If you like fantasy or rpgs, then you should try this one out. There is so much to do and... |
Funny t-shirts
5 Posts • 4183 Views Jokes & Games |
Hey guys, we dont accept direct linking to other websites from the UGN because of the google indexing service.
And on a second note we also dont accept links to the competitors websites. We actuall... |
Italian Hanger
21 Posts • 73053 Views Talk Talk |
i admit..i only logged in to see whut was going on and to see if i liked the site..i do and i think that the topic of conversation is quite interesting actually.. i was on my myspace and i gat a wierd... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9957 Views Science & Technology Forum |
tgis principle is still assuming that the references are uniform and essentially linear. thus you get the classic polvolter and the shed example, which results in te stick breaking when you (the polvo... |
EconomyWhat can we do to improve international relationships with the USA?
7 Posts • 2914 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First, open up Google Scholar.
http://scholar.goo gle.com/schhp?hl=en&tab=ws &q=
Then, I'd recommend searching the following...
"neo-coloni alism"
"neo-colonia lism&quo... |
GovernmentThe perfect government
4 Posts • 2591 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
ok whatever you prefer is right for you. I just want to say that this is still very much uncompleted and will never be complete. never mind that, i am a firm believer that a country must be defined by... |
48 Posts • 26842 Views Jokes & Games |
once again, if you have just come here to prat about like the little twat you are, go do it somewhere else because no one gives a damn about you or your comments, and anyone who lies about there age o... |
Gmail Controversy
0 Posts • 2572 Views Talk Talk |
well i was wondering, a lot of criticism about gmail. i myself own one and i love it. simple, fast, clever hot keys, and an amazing amount of storage. what would be the difference of hotmail/yahoo sca... |
Habits & BehaviorMonarch Conditioning
0 Posts • 715 Views Psychology Forum |
Project Monarch
found this with a quick google of "monarch conditioning" bit convoluted and keeps talking about satanism and bloodlines which makes you wonder about the authors sanity, bu... |
War & TerrorismBYU Physics Professor Steven E. Jones interviewed by Alex Jones
1 Posts • 2230 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To summarize some important points of the interview, Steven Jones has done some independant scientific research on the collapse of the WTC buildings and is coming up with a different theory and probab... |
ChemistryHow do they know atoms exist?
18 Posts • 7388 Views Science & Technology Forum |
My CTL level has to reach 2 before I can post links (I'm working on that)...
In the mesntime, google, "Dr Quantum double slit rxperiment" and watch related video...
As you can see... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34205 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think you have mistaken my passive style of writing, and efforts to avoid offending you as snobbery. May be you and I should agree to ignore each other, considering you are getting nothing from the... |
Rehab & AddictionAll natural
4 Posts • 3794 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i have recenty discovered many legal "highs". YES! haha
does anyone have any experience with some of the legal abstracts that cause hallucination, like salvia?
Also, just because they... |
Weight LossFat Loss Tips
13 Posts • 5264 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
People need to learn what's effective. Here are some terms to google for further research:
LISS cardio
HIIT cardio
Carb Cycling
Whoosh Fat Loss Effect
Cortisol and Catabolism
ECA Stack... |