14 Posts • 5050 Views Talk Talk |
its good. pride. its a good thing. keeps things rollin' ya know |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12646 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Some people who are not good at comprehending what they read are good at other things. |
Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9091 Views Philosophy Forum |
And I suppose that in a way I want the ultimate truth to be happiness.
That's compicated, what exactly is happiness? Can happiness even exsist without knowing evil? Can you recanize the light... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17209 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not sure I understand your point. Are you saying science is good and religion is bad?
While I can't think of any examples of bad science, though I'm sure there is some, I can thi... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25158 Views Philosophy Forum |
love is patient, love is kind
it does not envy, it is not proud
it is not rude, it is not self seeking
it is not easliy angered
it keeps no record of wrongs
love does not rejoice in evil but rejo... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17735 Views Psychology Forum |
A bad experience or bad trip is one where everything suddenly and often extremely frightens you, people and things will look evil and threatening, common sounds textures tastes etc become gross, irrit... |
EconomyPeak Oil - Are we heading for a oil shortage
11 Posts • 3972 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You know, I think I like Chevez and I can't understand why Washington hates him, I suspect if they could get away with it, they would steal his oil.
He is a force pushing for oil trades in Eur... |
Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6519 Views Religion Forum |
What is "wrong"? What is "right"? What religion is right and which is wrong? According to most religions every other religion is wrong. So, which is right if there is b... |
The Human Race
5 Posts • 4066 Views Philosophy Forum |
One thing that stands out as a highlight of my newfound wisdom and understanding of the world that we live in is the fact that humans are animals. Animal not fitting the mould of the definition 'A per... |
Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views Religion Forum |
Well said, etherealmeekie."since god told adam and eve that they would die if they ate from the tree and satan told them they would merely understand truth and right from wrong; wouldn't tha... |
10 Posts • 4326 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i thought he was very good in 12monkeys and Snatch.
i also liked him in Meet Joe Black, but some may disagree.
he is a pretty face, but he can be a good actor, given the right part.
still haven... |
Relationships & LoveLove for 1, 2 or none? - Sincere, FRANK advice needed - Pls reply - TY
4 Posts • 2485 Views Psychology Forum |
People like you are the reason I have to get up in the morning and try so hard to convince myself that humans are truly good and not a race of monkeys bent on desire. Today I was doing good, until I r... |
48 Posts • 26842 Views Jokes & Games |
yes i did know you are, but there not really much point because its not annoying anyone so you are laughing at something that isnt there.
I'm just going to give up and ignore you now because y... |
War & TerrorismFreedom fighters, or terrorists?
22 Posts • 11248 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
cturtle...first I want to thank you for serving in Vietnam. Then I want to ask if you now believe yourself to have been a murderer while you served in Vietnam? I agree that Christ is the way, but evil... |
9 Posts • 3859 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh, don't worry, it's normal to be paranoid. We are living during the age of the Patriot Act, so feel free to be paranoid. There's plenty of paranoia going around, so take as much as yo... |
EconomyZeitgeist: Moving Forward
4 Posts • 2651 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just saw this today and I really liked it. Joseph's solutions are really good and well thought out. There's something in the air... and I think I'm not the only one who feels it... a bi... |
9 Posts • 4152 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It's hard to talk... |
7 Posts • 60886 Views Talk Talk |
Also; breathing exercises good;
1:4:2 ratio
breath in through nose: hold breath:exhale mouth
e.g. 7:28:14 seconds.
Also check out colloidals. check mega hertz of electrical carges of food. Bes... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21063 Views Religion Forum |
Thanks Summit (awsome website, i was kind of thinking deeper, but nice one all the same)
As i said i didnt read all of it and still found 143
if neone fonds out how many PLZ tell me, so i can lau... |
57 Posts • 10410 Views Talk Talk |
well to get back on topic... im still fat and im angry today so im like.....RAWR... idk... just pissed off today... i have nothing to be pissed at.... ill cry later..and it'll be over and done wi... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9197 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just came on this forum and thread. My take on the exsistance of life, and the reason the humans are so bent on destruction is that we are the only creatures who are capable of creating intelligable l... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12016 Views Talk Talk |
But this sunday was different. This sunday he ventured out of the stump in search of a special ingredient for a very special cookie. Fo years he had schemmed and planned to bake this cookie- a very ev... |
You and I
3 Posts • 3667 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
You and I
You and I, we have greeted so many!
We are not evil; we want liberty.
We are angels in disguise. We follow
Your souls and their great, immortal flambeau.
We know who you are; we love... |
Alternative BeliefsPeers and religion
3 Posts • 3403 Views Religion Forum |
i have studied the bible closely and that is why i am an atheist, the woman you are talking about has a severe misinterpretation of the bible when jesus told his people that to get to heaven they woul... |
Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2446 Views Talk Talk |
The teacher
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It... |