Bookseffected by reading
8 Posts • 3166 Views Talk Talk |
Yes books and literature have an astounding effect on people especially when they can relate to what they are reading. Usually emotion comes to me when I can relate a past experience to what's ha... |
Mental IllnessSelf-Medicated?
11 Posts • 3415 Views Psychology Forum |
They profiled the Genius in our Society, when they know that with very few Dietary Changes, he/she would be able to effect their rapid cycling mind in a way that they could socialize normally...
Ke... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24233 Views Religion Forum |
People would have known Jesus by sight; a substitute would have been recognized. Jesus was in effect guilty of treason which still carries a death penalty in some countries today |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107205 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
im 14 and smoke pot i have drunk but the effect is not for me and with weed it is more of a relaxing experience whereas alcohol has more damaging effects on the body and i dont understanf=d either why... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18573 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Stability is better. I mean, great it might make crops better. But this sort of tinkering of something so important (and given the greenhouse effect, impossible to stop whatever we start) seems incred... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85254 Views Science & Technology Forum |
11 November 2012
Baily's Beads near Solar Eclipse Totality
Image Credit & Copyright: Leonid Durman
Just before the Sun blacks out, something strange occurs. As the Moon moves to complet... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 8964 Views Talk Talk |
"nyrlathotep, all you have done is renamed cause and effect as karma. They are not the same. An example of karma would be a man who refuses to give to the poor for selfish needs and then becomes... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 16910 Views Philosophy Forum |
From what I remembered from the site I provided was that the "Butterfly Effect" Is caused in time.. I may be wrong. I'd have to read it again. Not like an instant action reaction kinda... |
11 Posts • 5302 Views Talk Talk |
I agree, stress can be either good or bad depending on how you let it effect you. My fiance for example, it's a BAD thing. Every little thing stresses him out and it's been known to cause pr... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. A Walk to Remember ( it ALWAYS makes me cry)
2. The Butterfly Effect ( I didnt expect that much out Ashton)
3. The Forgotten
4. 13 going on 30
5. Ladder 49
6. The Nagotiator
7. 10 Things I H... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. Lord Of The Rings (all 3)
2. Bourne Supremacy/Identity
3. The Butterfly Effect
4. Donnie Darko
5. North by Northwest
6. Memento
7. Schindlers list
8. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
9. The Ma... |
7 x 7 = 49
4 Posts • 2817 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The number seven is significant in religion, and I'm sorry, I don't know why.
I posted this in religion because life is religion according to Confucius . My interpretation of religion is... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107205 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Marijuana has a more direct effect, plus its not something we've been doing since the middle ages, like beer.
But there is no good reason, private smoking should be fine, its far far less dang... |
Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19516 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Here is another-
I worked at a photo printing place and in my spare moments it was experiment time!
for this photo I taped a leave onto some acetate and used the living leaf as a negative- I loved t... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 54865 Views Philosophy Forum |
"You know that there is only existence"...isnt that just your interpreted perception?
You make a very good point. Given this is true.. existence..which all percieve it to be. Then that wo... |
19 Posts • 7961 Views Philosophy Forum |
its par of the fate no? everythings fate.. i tohught fate meant an outcome of things which whatever it is happens is it including the cause and effect1 or not cause and effect |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20690 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DumbTeen, as our age difference shows we were brought up with very different social peers and values. My generation looked at cigarettes and alcohol as signs of maturity, imitating the adults among yo... |
10 Posts • 3452 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I once was alive but know derelect
Now in darkness my dreams reside
Mourning now as I solemly reflect
There is no date to when I had died
A failed life I could only reject
Ascending from the pit,... |
19 Posts • 7961 Views Philosophy Forum |
what isnt fate? Xris what yo said dint make any sense.. yes he was specifing in caue and effect but whyisnt that fate? everythings fate.. whtever happens.. |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18437 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Why?.because doin all that slows down the process of life...from birth til death....we do that and the population growth rate will rapidly develop."
"the more power we gain.....the mo... |
SocietyWe, consumers
8 Posts • 3302 Views Philosophy Forum |
At the moment I am inclined to believe that mass consumerism is ultimately the product of any society which strives for power (over the elements, over other societies).
I think we have rea... |
30 Posts • 8262 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess that you would have to define what hell, because most religions have their own hells and heavens of some sort.
From a Christian perspective (if that were mine) I would say I would have to c... |
ElectionsClinton Running the UN?
1 Posts • 2526 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow, I just heard a rumor about the possibility of Clinton campaigning to head the UN as Secretary General of the UN.
(and something to the effect that it could only really happen if we had a democ... |
Ethics & MoralityDoes meaning come before awareness?
5 Posts • 2905 Views Philosophy Forum |
in my view, it was "does logic exist before life"
I think life is inherently "logical" -- a product of a logical, perhaps even inevitable cause/effect chain. In that respect, lo... |
Science and Faith.-their applications to truth.
12 Posts • 3484 Views Philosophy Forum |
New "Essay"-
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Science and Faith.-their applications to truth.
Science is comparable to us... because we developed it. As is Faith. And though faith is necessary in scie... |