IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17038 Views Religion Forum |
"God condones slavery in the Old Testament,"
Wrong - Levitical Law prohibits the enslavement of the Israelite. And in the NT Paul writes for the freeing of a slave. Slavery was an intrins... |
Haunted by History
2 Posts • 2783 Views Talk Talk |
You have no idea just how dark my young friend.
Look, you have every right to compare, and for good reason. People will be sensitive to it but there are important lessons and information that canno... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90712 Views Psychology Forum |
6. Looter and scapegoat
After I suffered from two hits from isotopic money, I asked myself:" Why they used that kind of money on me, an innocent man?"
In 1993(or 1992), my family had... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40565 Views Religion Forum |
when any trully logical mind examines the situation such creatures become childish vagaries.
This has a thought provoking message no matter how you believe. Does evil exist?
The university pr... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9609 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Love. Love love love. What is love? I think the reason why i feel so unloved is because my idea of what love is is wrong. And life. life, sensations? you mean guilt right, and free thinking, you mean... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush was elected not by people but inside group (3) (11/26)
Bush sold his soul to devil
The fraud in 2004 election was vast and wide spread. And almost all of them favored Bush and GOP. It was a... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7014 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I started writing this morning, it may be the beginning of something, I have an idea where it could go but thought I would share it with you guys...
The clearest and brightest night that ever exis... |
Follow the Lonely Heart's Trail
1 Posts • 3223 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Follow the Lonely Heart's Trail
It is the autumn, leaves falling down to the ground
Previously warm air, turning cold
Some days, the rain falls out of the sky
Delighting the children like warm a... |
Lord of the Flies movie
1 Posts • 6121 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Human nature at its worst. What happens when a group of boys are marooned on an island? Same thing that would happen to anyone.
First, they work together. They assign a leader,... |
Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10641 Views Philosophy Forum |
Nice - "The universe outside the universe." OK let me start by giving you a little advice: It is not easy to take you seriously when you have so many typos. Proof read before you pos... |
StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7124 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
[ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind]Part Four
The moon shone full on the park, illuminating the place they would kill him. Send his body to the grave whe... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10952 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Moments of Weakness.
Pain. My life at this time can be summed up in one simple word. How can such a small sound explain the oceanic torment I drown in?
We all feel this emotion. We all think our... |
Do you remeber?
35 Posts • 9303 Views Talk Talk |
Do you remember?
Before the MySpace frenzy.
Before the Internet & text messaging.
Before Sidekicks & iPods.
Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX.
Before the 5 hours of home... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24722 Views Religion Forum |
It's going on two (2) Months and no one still gives a damn about you...
So... what level of what ever have we completed recently...? Or has the role playing and the board games all twisted in... |
GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4171 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Obama, a lame duck president, even can't pick up a Secretary of his own, obviously is a puppet.
621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the lone holdover... |
DepressionI am so depressed
3 Posts • 8737 Views Psychology Forum |
As someone suffering from depression myself I have some idea how you feel. I know how painful it can be to keep going through those cycles. The pain, the darkness, the not knowing why, the hopelessnes... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush was elected not by people but inside group. (11/4)
Bush probably is the worst president in US history. In his first term, civil liberty is seriously eroded; economy is in a mess; the internati... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12235 Views Psychology Forum |
Get inside your parents heads one on one with focus not being on anything personal, just find out who they are as people first. What is there philosophy on different specific aspects on life. If you c... |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13713 Views Religion Forum |
Tibby asks who among us is a christian.
I offer a short dissertation on this question as I see it.
From: Biggles MSN Groups: Theism vs Atheism Sent: 12/3/2008 2:31 PM
... |
The Tangent Universe
14 Posts • 4635 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dark. Darker. Darko. Life is one long insane trip. Some people just have better directions. What would you do if you knew the future?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Donnie: First of all, Papa... |
BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3541 Views Talk Talk |
Do I think it more dangerous than a horror movie?
That would entirely depend on which movie we were talking about.
I find the horror movies of the last ten years, with the exception of Rob Zombi... |
FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18443 Views Philosophy Forum |
In my more unfettered descents into metaphysical reverie I like to think that the universe (including life) exists only conceptually.
If you insist on a nuts-and-bolts kind of physicality to the un... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25211 Views Talk Talk |
Ok, here is a twisted classic that not everyone is familiar with, I actually questioned my sanity and my internal evil side while playing it.
The original Tecmo's Deception
Its a game where... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9628 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well unless you are keeping tabs on the nefarious activities of the CIA then all your learnings will simply be for not. Its a sad fact but deception has been the name of the game since the end of WWII... |
StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7124 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Maxamillian moved back a pace as the four men spread out to surround him.
He watched them to discern any pattern in their movements. If they worked to a pattern he could anticipate their next move... |