42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
No, they're pretty good.
There is a HUGE lack of poetic devices, but it seems raw.
A little anyway.
There is a lesson in raw poetry.
Never use words unless they are needed.
and pe... |
Music VideosThe 80's
22 Posts • 5776 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This thread may mean allot to some, and nothing to others. But to me, its about my childhood. It will go from all I have to contribute, and beyond. But its genesis is from my very first memories of mu... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13810 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, we definitely confuse ourselves. At least I do. I question something, then I question my question, then I question my second question, and it goes on. The cycle of thougt. I like that phrase.... |
18 Posts • 5728 Views Talk Talk |
That's really cool to hear, Wyote.
Its great to see someone actually take onboard what others say instead of thinking they know best and will go their own way without really listening to anoth... |
 35yrs • F
In this life we have two ages. The ages we are, and the ages that we’ve earned |
About You / IntroductionsWyote
0 Posts • 715 Views Talk Talk |
Recieving love and compliments of nearly any kind.
I was going to second what Decius said, but seeing as Im fairly new, and Wyote doesn't really know me, I thought it wouldn't really coun... |
15 Posts • 4666 Views Talk Talk |
ForumFan~ I'm laughing my ass off over here, thanks!
I think it catches like a disease though, I'm begining to send my friends stuff that I think is cool on E-Bay, and funny jokes all the... |
I need some suggestions on how to apologise
4 Posts • 2429 Views Talk Talk |
Buy her a bouqet and chocolates, it's cliche, but it works, and then do something unique that will really get her attention. Whatever she's into, do something in that category. If that doesn... |
GamesClear Vision 2
8 Posts • 5650 Views Jokes & Games |
*dead**devil**lol**yuck**grin* *roll**alien**clown**confused* :p*angry**sleepy*:D;)*eek**mad **cool*:o:(:)
this game is too easy |
Bugatti Veyron at top speed
9 Posts • 2174 Views Talk Talk |
part of the songs sounds like it's stolen from the star wars podracer game. that is a very cool car, wouldn't like to be paying the fuel bill for it though. |
DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16753 Views Psychology Forum |
Ya, dunno why children think it's cool. Its probably because of two things. Firslty, u know how forbidden fruit tastes the best....
Secondly, we can thank our entertainment induustry, where smok... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views Religion Forum |
Hey cool! I'm technically half-english raised in France and I only moved to Liverpool a few weeks ago. So I'm only now picking up all the so-british expressions ;)
Whereabouts you from th... |
Anime game
0 Posts • 28772 Views Jokes & Games |
i love this game:):(:o*cool*:D;)*eek**mad* *sleepy**angry*:p*confused**gr in**roll**alien**clown**yuck** lol**devil**dead*:D:D:D
i won |
Official Go Canucks Go thread
20 Posts • 6509 Views Talk Talk |
Game 7 came and went and the city went nuts (literally -- it looked like we won the Stanley Cup out there). Next up is Minesota, and then probably Dallas. Gonna be an interesting couple of weeks! *coo... |
Bookscirque du freak by Darren Shan
10 Posts • 6294 Views Talk Talk |
Great series! Have you read all of them yet? And do you get the title sons of destiny? Kind of sucks that he shunts all of the cool things he does to some other kid but hey he was looking out for hims... |
Society & Sociologycool people VS nerds
24 Posts • 10077 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, regardless, whuz to decide if being cool's better or being a nerd? I mean it's becuz of so called nerdz and geeks that the human society has reached its current status |
Online Gaming.....
18 Posts • 7383 Views Talk Talk |
No need to hope Decius just by looking at screenies and the new features Relic says they added its going to rock :D
Hmmm.. What job does your friend have? Does he have any insider information to shar... |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I agree with you about the bull thats in Leviticus D.T., and Deletion...AMEN! he he he! I do believe that gays are born that way too,but still think that they shouldn't be allowed to be in ANY po... |
Art AppreciationAn Eerie Structure: The Singing Ringing Tree
3 Posts • 9921 Views Art Forum |
Wow cool I'm living nearish to burnley at the moment... never heard of this sculpture but will be venturing there soon... will report back :)
Cheers for the insightful information. |
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
4 Posts • 3736 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i didn't really know what to expect before i saw this movie. i thought that they would be working together. The begining with the therapist or councellor was a bit long, but i did like the end wi... |
FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18449 Views Philosophy Forum |
*cool* Hi, all ideas seem to be interesting and good point of views of the same thing. But, have you ever thought this could be a proof of god's existence? Who's the one outside carrying the awes... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes! You know what's really cool is when you realize that there's this overall rhyth all around us and you see everything moving in unison somehow, in perfect harmony, like some great synchr... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
I just barely got out of my school dance and let me tell you, was it interesting. Now prior to this dance, I went to dances to hang out, check out my crush, possibly join in the group dances, and fina... |
PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7369 Views Psychology Forum |
I wish I had gone through this kind of "mental revolution" when I was still in high school, I had to wait until I was about 19 for the way I thought to start evolving. The problem is now I h... |
19 Posts • 10749 Views Philosophy Forum |
I understand what you mean by needing to know why people have perverse desires.
Perverse, is something from off the norm. Before anyone misunderstands.
Anyway, I am betting they look. Remember Ann... |