GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Vermont, the home of braves and the land of free.
The people there still have the courage which many Americans have lost.
All towns in Vermont vote to impeach Bush!
A single Vermont communi... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24746 Views Religion Forum |
*dead* Talk about over kill, look i'm peagan and i'm tired of people saying crap about magic ok, wake up to what pathetic life you have and realize your a damger to yourself and others if by... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19207 Views Philosophy Forum |
When the Iraq war started, I stood up in my office and asked, "What did we forget Vietnam?" and realized that most of the people in my office were in dipers when Vietnam ended, and some of t... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9336 Views Religion Forum |
Problems arise when people put the responsibility of power in hands other than their own when doing any pooling.
Progression is hindered by corruption which is caused by weakness in the individual wh... |
GovernmentCould Bush Be Right? (part 1)
16 Posts • 6340 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i think the one thing that should separate the left from the right is the left's ability to live outside of their own heads and look at a situation for what it is. i don't know if this war t... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29332 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i know there have been studies to see if children raised in families with gay parents are more likely to be gay. the results were that they are no more likely to be gay than any other child in a famil... |
16 Posts • 6189 Views Talk Talk |
Who cares about the guns, i want my individual freedoms back!! I think we all do, and i am tired of sitting around and watching our freedoms slowly diminish. Just the fact that all these old people ar... |
Society & SociologyDo you know everything?
7 Posts • 3368 Views Psychology Forum |
teens dont know everything, dont believe in their heart they know everything. they simply invest a lot more emotion into their beliefs and ideas. they make bold statements because for one, it makes th... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14482 Views Religion Forum |
Although I do find your post compelling "antichristian" I also find that your screen name is enough for me to at least look at anything you say as some sort of messed up agenda to destroy Ch... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 34014 Views Religion Forum |
I dont realy believe that there is such a thing as god... I believe that there is something out there, something that we humans call GOD .... but I dont think that god is some guy walking on clouds wh... |
Society & SociologyAttorneys
6 Posts • 3664 Views Psychology Forum |
Middle of the month and No CHILD SUPPORT. Wow, did you know that in Texas they will take your Driver's License, and/ or give you jail time for not paying child support?
I was informed by the p... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24981 Views Religion Forum |
And that was when you completely missed the point of my post.
I addressed the point I meant to address, the rest is built on speculation, based on many people's attitudes and opinions I have e... |
Birth of a new engine
12 Posts • 8737 Views Talk Talk |
Brad, I am curious, you make reference to a large agreement being signed already.. is this the Rewaco deal? How big is this deal, what kind of units numbers are we talking about hear?
Also, in ter... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14852 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Its a necessary transition"
Their movement is necessary?
"Furthermor e a wealthy American industrialist was sued and forced to close his 'sweatshops' in some latin ameri... |
Haunted by History
2 Posts • 2784 Views Talk Talk |
We just finished Schindler's List in english class today, and although it is undoubtedly the most powerful movie I've seen, it raised a lot of questions in my mind about the Holocaust, WWII,... |
Hi my name is Line Morrissette (Line) is a french name)
2 Posts • 3226 Views Talk Talk |
i am a french woman , i'm 41 going on 42 in july, i am a single woman with a 17 year old boy ....i like to spend time outside, walking, i also enjoy watching a few movies three times a week other... |
Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13227 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I can agree with some of that; the brain is a big mystery in my opinion. The fact is though, there are alot of cases of depression that require drugs. Bi-Polar disorder sufferers without the medicatio... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19207 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why dress a certain way if people think you're ugly or don't look good in that article of clothing? Who cares if you look wrinkly or fat?
But good point on the older crowd still living li... |
Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views Talk Talk |
Now, this is an actual order of preference from 10th down to 1st.
10. Myself.... it's the wish of some people I know
9. Andrew Lloyd Webber ( or at least "The Phantom Of The Opera"... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23795 Views Philosophy Forum |
I fear death. I believe its stupid we don't put forth research in looking for potential immortality. Perhaps then maybe our political leaders will think for the future and actually care about what the... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77289 Views Psychology Forum |
I live around where the whole Jennifer Wilbanks deal went down. Trust me, most people here are totally baffled as to why this got so much coverage.
I honestly think that part of the reason this th... |
What Borders?
24 Posts • 8657 Views Talk Talk |
I need some sort of remark of acknowledgement from someone in regards to this situation.
I want people to honestly ask themselves what they have heard of this on the news past large numbers of ille... |
Reality & MetaphysicsHandbook For A New Paradigm
17 Posts • 16744 Views Philosophy Forum |
No worries here.
And I did change that post because a later sentence stated "content", though still intended to highlight the only point I made any direct reference to but to speak of it... |
ChristianityWhy is jesus story so powerful
18 Posts • 6285 Views Religion Forum |
I believe Jesus existed. Once in a while great people pop up. We had Mother Teresa and Ghandi. Whether Jesus was bon from a virgin or the son of God who died for our sins; that he is the way to God is... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27275 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I would say if it IS a choice, it should be eliminated, because it creates an unnecessary diversity amongst people.
It creates nothing, its exists. Diversity exists, negative feelings about divers... |