Mental IllnessLosing Hope
6 Posts • 3102 Views Psychology Forum |
You did the best thing you could, you had compassion. You could do and say all of the right things and still be unaccepted so don't let it get to you. Be happy you're not void of feelings. I don't kno... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35967 Views Psychology Forum |
Absolutely Amen!!!
I frequent a Muslim owned grocery near my house. I was shocked to learn of the vandalism caused to his store right after 9/11, they are such nice people, and outstanding neighbor... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36774 Views Philosophy Forum |
That doesn't answer the question. How do we enter into other peoples realities without their permission? If reality was only what I experienced in my mind then why am I typing to people who I hav... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist or Agnostic?
8 Posts • 3403 Views Religion Forum |
FSM is pretty popular in Colorado, so I don't know if Ironwood's comment was intentional or coincidental, but either way it does raise a very important point: The more people believe in some... |
Habits & BehaviorWhat gives you comfort when alone
15 Posts • 7060 Views Psychology Forum |
Being alone has never bothered me. I actually prefer it, seeing as most people's thoughts are too limited and confined for my preference. But when loneliness overwhelms me, I run, read, write, li... |
Rehab & AddictionAddicted to Drugs in my Teens
5 Posts • 2941 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
You should tell your story with pride, not shame. You had a problem and you overcame it. In my job I see many young people who have drug related problems. For the most part they just accept... |
Rehab & AddictionGambling
6 Posts • 2902 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Stupid gambling meetings keep telling him that some people will never recover because of hormonal inbalance. He always explains it a mental kind of illness. Weve explained all these things but.. does... |
September 11
16 Posts • 5853 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
...America's revenge killed alot more. Now should we go mourn for them too?
The justifications to continue bombing those poor countries and messing up even more people's lives are renewed e... |
Society & Sociologyimpulsive society?
9 Posts • 4415 Views Psychology Forum |
if people continue getting these meaningless tattoos, the beauty will be gone. everyone wil flock to tattoo parlors for a certain look, not a certain feeling. it should enhance emotion and represent y... |
Habits & BehaviorPersonality Psychological
7 Posts • 3358 Views Psychology Forum |
well it all tastes like shit, unless youre an alcoholic. so it mostly has to do with marketing and advertising. people identify with certain drinks in certain ways and so they grow fond of various typ... |
13 Posts • 3726 Views Philosophy Forum |
Geez!...I was speaking on neutral grounds whereby all people with varied beliefs can atleast listen to something different...It's a shame that ideas cannot be shared without forced dogma...Lighte... |
Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the internet..so what!
63 Posts • 44096 Views Psychology Forum |
chrysalys *applauding*
cheers to that!
All I gotta say is, aslong as your safe about it, and take alll necessary precautions... i think meeting people online is a great way to network, or perha... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24623 Views Philosophy Forum |
the christian faith was build on corruption in a method to control people and manipulate them to take their money
however yes, the begining idea behind jesus was pure, it didnt remain that way for... |
Enherit Goodness Of Mankind
6 Posts • 3782 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've noticed that there is a key difference in peoples views on the world. Not THE key but A key.
Some people belive that humans are naturally good. Others dont.
Your take? Provide evidenc... |
Astronomy78,000 People Apply for One-Way Trip to Mars
0 Posts • 188 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i would compare it to the pilgrims making their one way trip to america, the people applying either have no reason to stay on earth or they want to advance science so badly that they will sacrifice th... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11431 Views Psychology Forum |
Well I'd say since jail restricts your freedoms to live an actual life, yes it technically is. But I honestly don't think it is intentionally meant to torture people, as they still allow inm... |
Mental Illnessmy mind can't rest
12 Posts • 7845 Views Psychology Forum |
Two words: Smoke. Weed.
In all seriousness, i have just entered my second to final year in school and the work is piling up and yet i can cope. I cannot imagine how many more crazy stressed out peopl... |
I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3017 Views Talk Talk |
Although your parents are probably right about bands, in the sense that many people try and few succeed, that is no reason not to try. That is, so long as you have something to fall back on. Don'... |
GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6230 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
well for starters if you NEED something buy it.SInce you are so educated don't know that they wan't grow if people don't buy more than they need? So dont boycot drugs. Bocot pepsi or an... |
Would Anarchy mean chaos?
8 Posts • 2782 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with everyone to an extent. I don't think We're ready yet
but I do think it is one of the most equal ways a society is run.
I think the only enforcement necessary would be a poli... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18746 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Actually, what we have done to the environment has STOPPED another ice age. SO be happy that we dont live in
-50 degree F weather. And please, Kerry is behind in the polls by a double digits, people... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23597 Views Philosophy Forum |
What does re-electing Bush have to do with Human downfall... ok, well besides that.
I don't know, I mean, if we can get another Jesus down here, someone that would die for what they believe in... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17749 Views Philosophy Forum |
Angel, I don't think that is the point of finding someone to love, but rather the existence of a relational compatablilty that extends beyond being 'the right person' and chance.
These... |
TechnologyNokia Lumia 920: The Most Advanced Smartphone On The Market
8 Posts • 8031 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Yah it might be illogical. The extreme examples are those people in the Kimmel video. I'm not sure how much research has been done on the psychology of a fanboy but I'd be willing to guess i... |
why dont we like reading threads that go off topic
8 Posts • 3257 Views Philosophy Forum |
I come here to here other peoples perspective on certain half decently intelligent topics.
When People post on a Metaphysics thread about what religion is correct or what not it is kind of frustratin... |