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Tagged > College
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism in today's society and the impact of modern hate
7 Posts • 5065 Views
Psychology Forum
I would have to agree that if I walked into a room, saw a friend and said "What's up niggah!" , that I would probably cause disgust in the other people in the room. It irritates me t...
THREAD Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15349 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hypothetical situation: a person is 47 and does nothing to help the society that he takes from.... he lives with his parents who provide shelter and food.. all the basics for survival.. he spends h...
THREAD Life & Deathlonger life expectancy: good or bad?
9 Posts • 8428 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Do you know how long a year takes when it's going away?" Dunbar repeated to Clevinger. "This long." He snapped his fingers. "A second ago you were stepping into college...
THREAD God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11499 Views
Religion Forum
Sorceress - Unfortunately you do not get to pick and chose the God you believe in, the God of the Old and New Testaments are the same God. The reason for the apparent "change" in God is s...
THREAD A New "school"
6 Posts • 2945 Views
Philosophy Forum
The issue with the education system isn't in the primary schools, but in the colleges/universities. In pretty much every institute of higher education, you find all sorts of useless majors such a...
THREAD How should we live our lives?
7 Posts • 3201 Views
Philosophy Forum
Im going to have a bit of ramble, but this subject deserves rambling over. Ive found as ive got older there is a strong encouragement to fall in line. People talk about living their lives, but how can...
THREAD bonding/friendship
7 Posts • 2510 Views
Talk Talk
Well I am 22 and have have been pretty much in the same boat as you since before your age. From my experience I can tell you, if it hasn't happend for you yet, it's most likely not going to....
THREAD LawRight to choose Right to kill.
5 Posts • 3392 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Those are some pretty big extremes, which I'll give you, big extremes happen all the time, but lets take a look at a reasonable intelligent situation. Couples been together.. idk... 5 and a half...
THREAD PhotographyOriginal Photography Post
74 Posts • 30639 Views
Art Forum
(***This is obviously and off-topic response to a question that was referring to an in-topic post. Please do not delete.) Leftwood The Pyramid arena has been around since 1991.. Its soul purpose was...
THREAD Mid term break
1 Posts • 2192 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Mid-term Break I sat all morning in the college sick bay Counting bells knelling classes to a close, At two o'clock our neighbors drove me home. In the porch I met my father crying--...
THREAD GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15223 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Gee Whiz - were did all this anger come from? In a way there really is an independent system, but all the people have to work together to make it work. And it might even require a certain amount of...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the what!
63 Posts • 44076 Views
Psychology Forum
Im posting this because I am frankly FRUSTRATED at the responses I get when I tell people I met my boyfriend online. Here is the story --> When I was sixteen, a guy IMed me and we talked. As time...
THREAD Is ideology the bane of intellectual sophistication in the US?
13 Posts • 4951 Views
Philosophy Forum
CT is an acronym for Critical Thinking. Everybody considers themselves to be a critical thinker. That is why we need to differentiate among different levels of critical thinking. Most people fall i...
THREAD Just to show I'm not too bias, here's on
1 Posts • 2794 Views
Jokes & Games
It seems that the 2004 election was so close that the Electoral College vote was tied, and that Congress couldn't break the deadlock, and that the Supreme Court decided they'd better not mak...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18055 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Walts, my two best friends from high school are/were in the Navy(one probably just got back from action), both my grandfathers were in the Navy, a close friend of my family's was a Marine in Viet...
THREAD Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5420 Views
Psychology Forum
well things suck..i just had to break up with my boyfriend of two years. Heres the jist of it: i go to europe almost every summer since i was a baby and i've known this guy AJ since i was little...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6752 Views
Talk Talk
I actually don't agree with you. Sure a lot of it can be down to the parents, but children, especially those teenagers who are no longer little kids but not quite adults and are looking away from...
THREAD Paranoia
9 Posts • 3859 Views
Philosophy Forum
paranoid eh? god, I used to be so paranoid when I was 17 (my first year in college or segup whatever its suposed to be called, quebec's fucked up), and also that was the time when I did my time w...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan revenge ever be justified?
18 Posts • 33521 Views
Philosophy Forum
In direct answer to the original thread question on revenge... Yes... sorry to those who are familar with me for being somewhat predictable... however revenge is logical closure to me... Revenge...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views
Religion Forum
*cool* I have to admit ignorance (sorry about your theory about the Jews, Rome and the Torah), the only college I ever attended was the local junior and even at that I didn't recieve a 2 yr. degr...
THREAD GovernmentSo It's W - Not Jr.
14 Posts • 4014 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"but said regarding cocaine there can be no one that would come foward saying he had ever done it." Wow, thats a good answer to you? Sounds like a cope out dodge the issue answer to me....
THREAD Relationships & LoveThe best way to apologise to a girl
19 Posts • 67840 Views
Psychology Forum
Yep! The truth is most guys don't even understand why women actually get upset. We're like a bunch of "Odies" running around with our tongues hanging out, doing things we think are...
THREAD Move away or stay with her?
1 Posts • 1765 Views
Talk Talk
In this thread, I am only looking for advice and suggestions. If this gets off track in any way, I would like this thread to be deleted. [I didn't put this in the advice section because I was thi...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87298 Views
Psychology Forum
I can't say that I personally have met somone that is extremely intelligent (in my view) that has an extremely sharp sarcastic edge. Mostly it's the average person attempting to maintain a f...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18055 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Again my computer would not allow me to post my original statement/reply...sorry let em try again. (this also refers to my last "fallen" reply, which for some reason was attacked) WMD......
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