Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views Psychology Forum |
Having re-read your last two posts, Decius, I have realised my last post was unnecessary.
What you have said has great merit and importance.
But I must say, as I have contemplated this situation... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14071 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is saying "the pot calling the kettle black." Our intentions are not so pure in wanting a free Iraq. The U.S. Department of Defense has already awarded 25 billion in rebuilding contrac... |
Human Nature & EmotionSad about the world
11 Posts • 3820 Views Philosophy Forum |
It just feels like when you see an american in a movie or on tv, their lives are more valuable. its like a black person or colored person dies ten times more and the audience just ends up not caring.... |
ArtworkWorks in Progress
19 Posts • 7871 Views Art Forum |
They are assemblages meaning they are all sorts of items junk and otherwise glued together, nailed or stapled down etc. they are then painted with spray paint (black) some are also drybrush... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64057 Views Religion Forum |
pigments seem to develope to filter ultraviolet radition, fair skinned people seem to be indigenous to higher altitudes.
We had an albino horse in Montana, we painted the area around his eyes with bo... |
SocietyUnlocking Human Potential
11 Posts • 6662 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Has anyone else noticed how much of the media (films, literature) recently has been playing with this concept? The whole "you only use ten percent of your brain power" plot hole has been int... |
Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 16995 Views Talk Talk |
Skinny people beaching about how fat they are.
people who get rilly upset like saying "im gona kill my self" over stupid shit like if some one dumps them when they have only bin going out f... |
ElectionsDamn, Clinton sure is good
3 Posts • 3581 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He he.
I didn't post this to give the democrats a boost in popularity. I live in a country where bullshit is on every single level of politics. I put it there just to show something else. That... |
Society & SociologyRacism in today's society and the impact of modern hate
7 Posts • 5069 Views Psychology Forum |
very very true but im not just talking about black on white, im talking about all racism in general that is just a focal point to the debate as a simple retort to those who read anddo not understand t... |
11 Posts • 4899 Views Talk Talk |
yeah i like acdc stuff, back in black is good fun to play, and i found the tabs for "rock and roll aint noise pollution" but then lost them again. |
One wish...
15 Posts • 4003 Views Talk Talk |
To go skinny dipping. Hey, you never know whats at the end of the universe, so whynot check it out. Black and dust is beautiful and I'd give a year of my life to see it in person. Who says it has... |
Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13613 Views Philosophy Forum |
please dont
quantum mechanics is bs i've read enough on it
time / space relation is bs i've read enough on them.
steven hawkins, however smart he may be, often contradicts himself.... |
Que Houxo
3 Posts • 2377 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
a Japanese artist who does live paintings. His style is quite colorful, he uses fluorescent paints with black lights.
- Fonda LaShay Design | Blog |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I cannot see how it is possible to take down corporations right now with the overwhelming amount of power they wield. You have a point in the whole people need capitol thing though that's a big h... |
3 Posts • 2073 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nice set of video's
I always watch stuff like this and think to myself, wow it would be great if we could privately school or home school everyone. Because as the video's say it does inst... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
I guess the general assessment one could make about black helicopters is that they are somewhere between fiction and reality. But there is an abundance of hard to obtain information available on the w... |
Great White Shark Breach
4 Posts • 3162 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Nope its completely real. Yeah its weird because its slowed down forty times. Absolutely astonishing footage. Heres another snipit from the episode- caves. Pretty cool base-jumping into a black abyss. |
ChemistryClean Energy Source
18 Posts • 8817 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Further reading on this subject has led me to believe that Black Light Power is basically a fraud. What they claim challenges the known laws of physics, and appears to be a scam to sucker in investors... |
PoetryTiding Ocean(Poem)
2 Posts • 2341 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Without you,
Life is like,
It's like the sky,
without the moon,
I lose my way,
Darkness without light.
I lose my balance,
Air without water
I los... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13693 Views Philosophy Forum |
Today, the word "nigger" can be debated as being an insult or just a sub-standard title. Odd, it's politically incorrect to refer to someone as being "black", but in rap peopl... |
68 Posts • 15269 Views Religion Forum |
it wouldn't be revenge, it would be getting what you paid for yesterday
The question would be why you didnt sort the problem out at the time.
What you have advocated is that 2 wrongs make a r... |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88942 Views Jokes & Games |
dude how do you plzzzzzzzzzzz :>| dont make me *see image* you im 3 belts away from black belt only 3
here a cool script
gx = getBuddyX();
test = gx>510||gx<40;
if(floor ,test,explode(gx+r... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhole is more than the sum of its parts?
14 Posts • 3932 Views Philosophy Forum |
and again, it all depends on the way you learn and understand things. in saying everything is not black and white maybe was not really smart of me b/c maybe for you, things are YES and NO.
anyway,... |
GovernmentI Was Right - Bush Just Wants Black People To Die
7 Posts • 3493 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The man loves power, and power is not power if it is shared, regardless if the man's black/white/yellow/purple. |
late nights
8 Posts • 2632 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i just want to get some feed back on this poem i wrote.
Late as the sun fades in to the heavens I find my self looking at a familiar routine. My heart races, my mind passes. My body trembles at each... |