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Tagged > Being in love
THREAD Christian Bale
3 Posts • 3160 Views
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Hi does anyone LOVE Christian Bale as much as I do? Ever since I saw AMerican Psyco and Little Women Ive adored him very much. Anyone?:o
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 11914 Views
Philosophy Forum
I mean, not a life without sad or anger or "bad feelings", but that you can say: I'M COMPLETELLY HAPPY AND I LOVE MY LIFE
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHumility
0 Posts • 1492 Views
Psychology Forum
Decius, I will not indulge in such arrogance that tries to ‘make you a better person'. You are the person you are for better or worse. I am not here to teach or attempt to change others, that se...
THREAD Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 11926 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Wow - weird- what movie is dumb teen from? or MiA? 10 more movie I love... Dead Alive Army of Darkness Rushmore Barbarian Brothers Spaceballs The Filth and the Fury Americain Movie Fight...
2 Posts • 3513 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Has anyone seen the movie FRIDA, with Salma Hayak as the lead playing Frida. Wow I absolutley loved it I would have to say its one of my favourite movies so far this year. I would love to get my hand...
THREAD Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7390 Views
Philosophy Forum
The goal of every form of spirituality is Enlighnment. Whether it be Sufisim, Buddhisim or Tao, the ultimate aim is Spiritual enlighnment, only the paths to attaining it are different. Whether you try...
THREAD Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 11926 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
haha The Postman.... its Dances With Wolves gone horribly horribly HORRIBLY wrong! oh and for the record, i LOVE Return of the King, TT pissed me off because i was expecting Shelob to show up and.....
THREAD About You / IntroductionsSomething Missing
5 Posts • 3066 Views
Talk Talk
Nothing missing tonight. I feel great. Self respect is definetly the answer. If I go home and get restless, I know its not lack of love. So I'll try to work out and see what that does. If play...
112 Posts • 26569 Views
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Bike Question: My bike sucks!- should I fork out some dough to buy a new one? or should I fix the older junker? I love biking and my waistline certainly could use the help but it is like 300$ for a...
70 Posts • 22367 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I R Me - Did you see my post? I love punk! Green Day is punk but they aren't really idealistically punk. I still like them a lot, though. The Vines: Not sure haven't heard much of the...
THREAD GovernmentQuestion for Love-it-or-leave-it types
2 Posts • 3038 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement: The United $tates is the world's imprisonment leader, so my question to love-it-or-leave-it types: 1) Do you they love Amerika because it is th...
THREAD Crash Test Dummies
2 Posts • 1851 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I love crash test dummies. When I was a truckdriver, a radio station in the middle of nebraska played one of their albums over and over and I could carefully listen to each song. He is a true artis...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167007 Views
Psychology Forum
Ive thought of killing my mom but in a exaggerating way, not realistically. My mom used 2 be on meth and would have these crazy mood swings. It got so bad that my dad and i had to get a restraining or...
THREAD Dragon Quest 8
4 Posts • 3015 Views
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With regards to replay value... hmm.. BUT... ii can tell u this, there is soo much packed into this 100+hr game that it definately worth ur gill. I was thinking the same, but the more ive been playing...
THREAD MMMmmmm...Position.
19 Posts • 9585 Views
Talk Talk
This outfit you speak of is difficult to visualize mentally- I think a photo is required.... Who is Kylie Minogue an actress or a musician? I share the sentiment regaurding footware I love it when I s...
10 Posts • 4832 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
The Ring: American version or chi? if it's the american ver.,well it's not that scary and it's really mind boggling although after i've seen it my phone rang at exactly midnight an...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy do women nag?
21 Posts • 20766 Views
Psychology Forum
Why do women nag? What causes them to do it? Most of the time it doesn't bother me so much. Other times I get angry and I just want to throw something through my girlfriends face. I love her thou...
THREAD How can i get her back!?
2 Posts • 3405 Views
Talk Talk
ok me and my gf have been together for a year and half, breaking up, getting back together, living together, not living together. Now, its been 4 montsh since we broke up, she has a bf, i had a gf, an...
THREAD Roses are Red
3 Posts • 3590 Views
Jokes & Games
In the nature of true cynicism... Roses are red Violets are black Love is like torture And you are my rack My dearly beloved boss wrote that for me and my now hubby when I showed up for work...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18385 Views
Talk Talk
gotta love G'n'R - Sweet child of mine Dire Straits - Inustrial disease Rolling Stones - Paint it Black The first two are def faves, paint it black is a current like, as i spoe is hot...
THREAD Michael Moore
14 Posts • 5326 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
ok, this guy has been around forever stirring up controversy where ever he goes it seems. with his new movie Farenheit 9/11 out today, i just wanted to know what everyone thought of him. some people a...
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16446 Views
Psychology Forum
I love/hate smoking. Currently I am not smoking full time. BUT I will light up if around smokers...and if drinking. :( There is a satisfaction with smoking...and a dissatisfaction. Does that m...
THREAD Please someone tell me I'm wrong?!
7 Posts • 2154 Views
Talk Talk
OK. Its been OVER a month since she dumped me... Her reason was "I don't love you like that anymore..." WTF KIND OF REASON IS THAT?!?! Am I the only person who doesn't believe her!...
THREAD Riddles & PuzzlesSolve this paradox
35 Posts • 14467 Views
Philosophy Forum
haha, I love these. All of them are making me think. My favorite is the test one. Which I have absolutely no idea about. The only thing I can say about it is that since the professor said there will b...
THREAD DoO we really want to know...?
17 Posts • 6148 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have never feared death, i experienced a close brush with it at a very young age and have had several other "close calls" over the years. it was the most natural and beautiful event in my...
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