What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 43862 Views Philosophy Forum |
That's a very good point Cujo0424. "Now they have power, so the selfishness grows stronger." When these selfish human beings are given power in one form or another it leads to corruptio... |
ChemistryIron Atom
3 Posts • 5084 Views Science & Technology Forum |
It's interesting to me how integral certain natural atoms are to the workings of the human body, yet upon viewing the substance in a real world, visual form, it looks so starkly different to our... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17052 Views Religion Forum |
"GOD made man from the dust of the earth.
Question: what did GOD mean by dust of the earth?
Science the universe is made of energy which form elements which form molecules which form the earth... |
AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17267 Views Science & Technology Forum |
People assume alien life form is smarter than us because people believe--and there is substantial proof--that UFOs exist thereby proving that a more intelligent life form built the UFOs.
Personally... |
social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5387 Views Philosophy Forum |
i say it was easier then than now to move up because for some time now, the middle class has been slowly evaporating. thre trends just simply support it. i've read books on it, i'll see if i... |
5 Posts • 3369 Views Philosophy Forum |
THEORY....inorganic=mental / emotional; organic = physical, atomic.... which came first? The chicken or the egg? answer: The chicken originated as a thought-form. Through repeated cycllic sequencing o... |
Free Will
33 Posts • 9411 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Just a thought, but maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe its not really that we have free wil but that we achieve more and more free will"
An interesting thought... let&... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34049 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Democracy without rules is a form of disasterous tyranny by the majority and or those bought off by influence.
I know nothing of this germanic education you speak of, what I do know is that unless... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22808 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes...The question for me would be, is the world outside my thinking mind real or not?...If it is real, is it as I perceive it?...Or is it in the form of... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13037 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As for your question Jimi
I like the fact that everyone is treated equal and that no one is superior. There are alot of things i like about anarchy, but there are flaws. Does anyone know of a form... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23592 Views Philosophy Forum |
Attachment feeling.. its hard to let go of what your used to (people, home, [place, things that you got attached to..) but i look at it like this energy, and matter cant be created or destroyed so i p... |
Physics & CosmologyPhilosophical Science questions of the sci -fi kin
4 Posts • 4088 Views Science & Technology Forum |
you have to remember that heat is only a form of light that vibrate atoms, this form of light is inferred, but at the big bang the intensity and frequency of the light released was gamma ray and it is... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27035 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Just look at crystilline structure & how the form is within the (cut) form of the gem crystalline structure?
space as in a void isnt identical to any shape i can think of so how can you attribute... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11335 Views Psychology Forum |
Obviously jail is supposed to be unpleasant. With that in mind is jail a mild form of torture? |
The Hardest Question?
110 Posts • 42711 Views Philosophy Forum |
Of course God said let there be light, but its not that simple. Ofcourse, If He wanted, He could do anything in an artibarary way, but for somereason chose to let the universe evolve according to cert... |
God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4407 Views Religion Forum |
Most of the 'main stream' religions share one thing, the idea of redemption through their God. One of the things they leave out, is the fact that Nature requires a certain balance, resulting in the id... |
Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4952 Views Psychology Forum |
I mean if you never feel guilt your probably a sociopath. Would it be good to be a sociopath? It would probably be pretty empty to not feel remorse or to have no morals.
Guilt is self loathing that... |
ChemistryFree energy
5 Posts • 5026 Views Science & Technology Forum |
:o black powder is an explosive mixture, it exist as a chemical mixture,
molecular compounds & elements. To use black powder in a gun requirers ignition (additional heat) to produce the spontane... |
Coincidence is dead
17 Posts • 6132 Views Philosophy Forum |
When on vacation (from Oregon) as a 13 yr old I saved my brother from drowning. A man and his son, also on vacation (from So. Cal) helped me. Later the man took a photo of his son wit... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39561 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Just to add a different point of view, but first, MIA were did you get your statistics?
A few years back I was in the Miami area, I got into a freinds car to go into town. We pulled up to Krome Ave.,... |
ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10393 Views Religion Forum |
So the raining frogs is what you desire to point out that their were other (pagan) religions, which bore striking similar> as stated their God was a half human/half form. The GOD of the Jews had no... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15029 Views Psychology Forum |
I read a book called "Don't swear the small stuff". Perhaps a few others of you have read it? There was one topic that went over the "skill" of listening to someone. Too often... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27035 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think what cturtle was going off of scientifically is enough for me on the subject of dimensions - the fact that the position of an electron within an orbital is not just a number, but a wave functi... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4252 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"It is a great falacy that we seek to impose our values upon their societies then wonder what went wrong when they don't accept our ways. Why should they, they are different and will form di... |
Define for me.
2 Posts • 1863 Views Talk Talk |
Good questions:)
- I think the universe is located dead centre, in the middle of nothing:D. The universe, in my opinion, is our consciousness in physical form, and the nothing, is the part of our c... |