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Thank you Republicans - Page 2

User Thread
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that DumbKid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If you don't mind me asking, what statement was me attacking you? Prior to me calling you an idiot.

| Permalink
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Dumbkid, your absolutely right. My topic didn't have any solid ground to base its self on. I wanted to see people defend or attack political parties and see where the ashes fell.

Turned into bickering and agreement, and probably should be deleted.

However, if you can justify (V- -)v... then by all means
1. 2000 Election Fraud (FL & other states, Diebold & More)
2. 2004Election Fraud (Documented Suppression of Minority Vote in OH & other states)
3. Paid Armstrong Williams to Promote Education Reform Without Citing Admin Funding
4. Cheney's Energy Task Force (Released Documents, WaPo Article & Now Food Riots As Result)
5. Jeff Gannon Journalist Mole/Closet-Gay Playmate (NSFW)
6. Jack Abramoff (White House Ties, Modern Day Slavery & More)
7. Katrina Response (Bush Debriefed on Conditions, Video & Timeline)
8. Veto Stem Cell Research (First Use of Veto in 5 ½ years)
9. Federal Funding for Churches to Distribute Community Based Services
10. White House Rejects Most Foreign Aid for Katrina
11. Carbon Dioxide (a Greenhouse Gas) Cannot Be Regulated as a Pollutant
12. Kyoto Protocol Rejection
13. New Nuclear Weapons Development
14. Anthrax Letters (No Arrests/New Information)
15. No Child Left Behind (Under funding, Students Not Knowing How to Learn)
16. Bankruptcy Bill (Ties to Credit Companies/Banks)
17. Dick Cheney Saying, "Fuck himself," on the Senate Floor
18. False Heroics of Jessica Lynch & Pat Tillman
19. US Attorney Firings (Timeline)
20. Torture World Wide Via Extraordinary Rendition (Torture Efforts Ramped up in '05, Must Read Static, Physical Evidence of Torture)
21. Falsification of Iraq WMD Claims (PBS Fails to Contradict Perle Claims)
22. Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson Retribution & CIA Leak (Bush Knew, Valerie Wants to Know Who Outed Her)
23. No-Bid Contracts (Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, next? Watch Iraq for Sale)
24. Halliburton Gas Price Gouging
25. Halliburton (Cheney CEO @ time) & Iran Dealings (Moving Offices to Dubai & More)
26. NH Phone Jamming During 2002 Election (Sadly, Overturned)
27. Bogus "Video News" Releases (Society of Professional Journalists & Details)
28. Ground Zero's Unsafe Air (Union of Concerned Scientists & Whitman Refuses to Testify)
29. Karl Rove Meets with Companies He Holds Stock In (Enron & Intel)
30. Justice Scalia Refuses to Recuse Himself from Cheney Energy Task Force Case (Roberts Does the Same)
31. Bush's National Guard Service
32. Niger Uranium Forgeries (Bush Links Iraq & Niger in State of the Union Address)
33. Sibel Edwards/Ashcroft FBI Translation States Secrets Cover Up
34. Bin Laden Free (Possible Innocence in 9/11 & FBI Most Wanted Poster Last Updated 11/2001 & More)
35. 9/11 Questions Remain Unanswered (Molten Steel at Foundation, Buildings Falling Into Their Own Footprints, WTC 7, Bush Lies in #57, Saudis Flown Out (Osama Might Have Chartered Their Jet), etc.)
36. Enron & 'Kenny-Boy' (Bush Helps Enron Profit from Torturers)
37. Dollar Drops to Record Low Against Euro
38. Mission Accomplished Carrier Production
39. Monitoring Higher Education Courses & Teachings Via "International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003"
40. Bush Allows FBI to Confiscate Records of Business' Customers Without Being Allowed to Notify the Customers
41. Sending Troops to War that are Unfit for Battle (Extended Tours & Army Strained to Near Its Breaking Point)
42. Walter Reed Scandal (Veterans Sue)
43. Patriot Act
44. NSA Spying on Peace Groups, et al. **UPDATE** Pentagon Shuts Down Database on Peace Protesters!!!
45. Banning Photographers on U.S. Military Bases from covering the Arrival of Caskets Containing the Remains Of U.S. Soldiers Killed Overseas
46. Paying Iraqi Journalists to Write Positive Accounts of the U.S. War Effort
47. Inviting U.S. Journalists to "Embed" with Military Units but Requiring Them to Submit Their Stories to the Military for Pre-publication Review
48. Military Erasing Journalists' Footage of Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan
49. Refusing to Disclose Statistics on Civilian Casualties
50. Matteo Fontana Placed on Leave from the Department of Education for Receiving $100,000 in Stock from a Student Loan Lender
51. Reducing Acceptable Levels of Arsenic for Gold Miners North of Yellowstone National Park (Wants Arsenic in Your Tap Water)
52. Bush's #2 Domestic Policy Advisor, Claude Alexander Allen, Going Down in a $5,000 Shop-lifting Spree
53. Terry Schiavo Intervention Theatrics
54. Guantanamo Detention (UN Urged Closure & Military Panels Flawed, a Sham)
55. Guantanamo Torture (Prisoner Letter, Rumsfeld Pussyfoots, Force Feeding, More Details)
56. Geneva Convention's Provisions for Prisoner Treatment Labeled "quaint" By Gonzales
57. Abu Gharib Torture & 'Gitmo-iz[ation]' by Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller
58. Erosion of Habeas Corpus
59. August 6, 2001 President's Daily Brief, c/o Condi Rice: "bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." (The Smoking Gun)
60. U.S. Muslim Chaplain James Lee Falsely Accused of Aiding the Terrorists
61. Bernard Kerik Nomination for Secretary of Homeland Security (Why Kerik Sucks)
62. Robocalling Voters with Fake Democratic Candidate(s) Recordings
63. Cheney Shoots Supporter in Face
64. SAIC No-Bid Contract to Establish Iraq Media Network
65. NPR and PBS Used as White House Propaganda Machine
66. Car Bombs Excluded from Casualty Counts to Support Surge is 'Working'
67. Kidnapping of Haiti's Democratically Elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
68. USAID Secretary Caught in Call-Girl Ring
69. Abramoff Trading Favors with Justice Department Lawyer
70. Use of RNC Servers for Official Gov'ment Business (CNN w/ NSFW Image)
71. Medicare Total Cost Misleading (The Donut Hole & Big Pharma and Insurers Get Some Action)
72. REAL ID Act
73. Bush Appointees Resign Under Clouds of Suspicion
74. Continuation of Star Wars Program (Why It's Probably a Bad Idea)
75. Bullying North Korea During Korean Peninsula Reunification Talks (More)
76. Domestic Surveillance (Illegal to Wiretap Domestically, Congressional Report, Media Falsehoods, Pentagon in On It!)
77. No Fly List (Some for Attending Peace Rallies, Now Deemed Worthless)
78. Presidential Signing Statement Policy that Institutes Rule by Decree (More & Examples)
79. Immunizing Cheney, Rove, Libby, Armitage and Hadley from Prosecution for Outing a Spy by Declassifying Her Identity
80. Paul Bremer's Loss of $12-Billion in Iraq
81. Government Contracts for a 20,000 Strong Private Army (BLACKWATER USA Mercenary Army, Exempt from Rule of Law, Corporations Hiring Mercenary Armies)
82. Reversing a Specific Prohibition in Law Against Unwarranted Searches of Registered Mail, by Decree
83. Giving Medal of Freedom to Paul Bremer and George Tenet
84. Paul Wolfowitz Nomination for World Bank President
85. Bankrolling Al-Qaeda-related Terrorist Groups to Suppress Shiite Influence in Middle East
86. Iraq War (Woodward Plan of Attack, Noam Chimes In)
87. No-Bid Domestic Soil Detention Camps Built by Halliburton (More Sources)
88. Warmongering with Iran (I'm Starting to Hate Tables, Polls Show U.S. Behind & Bush Authorizing Deployment Anyway! & Just Because We Say They're 'Terrahists' Means We Can Attack!, September Threats & NIE Says Iran Has No Nukes!)
89. Adopting Pre-emptive Warfare Doctrine as U.S. Policy (One Gov'ment to Use Pre-emptive War)
90. Ports Still Unsecured (PDF)
91. Terrorism Protection Racket
92. Using the Establishment of the Dept. of Homeland Security to Undermine Labor Laws and the Civil Service
93. Contractors Using Foreign Labor for Iraq Reconstruction
94. Failure to Protect the Iraqi National Treasures from Looting & Destruction (Military Had List of 16 Baghdad Locations to Protect, More)
95. Conspiring to establish permanent colonial control over 70% of Iraq's oil
96. Plotting to Overthrow the Democratically Elected Government of Venezuela
97. Sidestepping International Court of Law
98. Selling Control Operations of 6 U.S. ports to the Dubai Port Despite Objections from Congress and the Public
99. Bullying China with Aggressive Spy Plane Operations (China's View)
100. Breaking Non-Proliferation Treaty with Attempted Nuclear Arms Sales to India
101. Much of Government Computer Infrastructure Run by Group with Terrorist Ties
102. Establishment of White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
103. Censoring Scientists from Issuing Factual Reports on the Threat from Global Warming (More Scientist Censoring, It Never Ends!, Poll)
104. Adopting a Policy Refusing to Honor FOIA Requests
105. Citizens Ejected from Taxpayer-Funded Bush for Anti-Bush Bumper Sticker (Nurse Wins Ticket Over Bumper Sticker)
106. Reclassifying Information Long Held in the Public Domain (Opinion with Good Stats)
107. Using 'National Security' as an Excuse to Avoid Judicial Scrutiny and Punishment
108. Malicious and False Prosecutions of Political Dissidents (Bolton Gets in on the Action, Media Threats, Prosecutors Digging for the Truth Not Immune & More)
109. Stacking U.S. Courts with Religious Zealots (Role of Evangelicals)
110. Recess Appointments of Controversial Appointees (ExxonMobil in Charge of Our Energy Policy?, The Gall Continues)
111. No Real or Hard Evidence of Iranian Government Involvement of EFPs Appearing in Iraq
112. Taking Iranian Diplomats Hostage Despite Being in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Government
113. Alberto Gonzales "forgot" to Turn Over to Emails to Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald
114. Cheney Says Congress Can't Stop President from Continuing Iraq War
115. For Purposes of Inquiry of the Executive Branch, Vice President Dick Cheney is a Member of the Legislative Branch, and for Purposes of Inquiry of the Legislative Branch, Cheney is a Member of the Executive Branch (TPM with More & Dick Claims to be Above the Law & More)
116. Purging the CIA of Democrats & Replacing with Bush 'Yes Men' (More)
117. Firing a Career Three-Star General for Criticizing Troop Levels
118. Sending Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz Misled Congress on True Cost of War (More)
119. Firing a Public Official for Telling the Truth About the Cost of a "Medicaid Reform" (Original Knight-Ridder Article in .DOC Format)
120. Using "Terror Alerts" to Manipulate the News Media and the Public (Timeline, White House Excuses, Bush Approval Rating Graph)
121. Falsely Claiming to Have Foiled Terrorist Plots, Later Revealed as Fabricated Hoaxes (Kings' Plot Goes Under & More)
122. Expanding Neighborhood Watch Program to Include Terrorism(Jews Chime In)
123. Administration Lauds Reconstruction Success, NYTimes Finds 7 out of 8 Failed (Knew Reconstruction Success Was Perilous Two Years Ago)
124. Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and is Not a Threat
125. Destruction of the Middle-Class (Krugman & More)
126. Delay and Obstruction of 9/11 Commission (Reluctantly Embraced, 9/11 Commission Lapdogs & Finds No Link Between Al-Qaeda & Iraq)
127. Condoleeza Rice Gets Memo on Al-Qaeda 9 Months Before 9/11/01 (PDF)
128. Iraq WMD Intelligence & Facts Being Fixed Around Policy
129. Letting Osama bin Laden Escape in Tora Bora
130. Afghan Opium Production at Record Levels
131. Terror Threats Increase Worldwide (Iraq Sees 91% Rise)
132. Still Unprepared for Another Terrorist Attack
133. North Korea Developing & Testing Nuclear Weapons
134. American Ally Pakistan Sells Nuclear Material to Libya
135. Favorable Opinion of America in Nosedive (Poll & Another Poll)
136. Gasoline Prices at Record Highs (Cost of Barrel of Oil Goes Up)
137. Tax Cuts Benefit Rich & Wealthy Most
138. National Debt at Record Level & Rising (In Depth & Graph)
139. Free Speech Zones & Threats Against Political Dissent (Behind Razor Wire[d])
140. Loyalty Oaths (Gotta Sign the Line & Digby)
141. Desire to Drill in Arctic Refuge (Other States & Drilling is Open Season!)
142. Bush Defends Most Corrupt Congressman, Tom Delay (Besides Duke Cunningham)
143. Vetoes War Spending Bill
144. No Iraq Exit Plan
145. GSA Administrator Organizes Power Point on Federal Time to Encourage GOTV Efforts for the Republican Party
146. Ignoring and Marginalizing Bereaved Parents of Troops KIA
147. Taking Most Vacation Days of Any Standing President, Ever (Current Count)
148. Undermining and Attempting to Privatize Social Security (Sneaks It In the Budget, GAO Finds Problems)
149. Harriet Miers, Bush's Right-Hand Evangelical Counselor, Appointed to Supreme Court (No Judicial Experience Needed & Withdraws Nomination)
150. Worst Jobs Creation Record Under Any President (Likes Hoover)
151. Coalition Provisional Authority Squanders Initial Iraq Construction
152. US Fish & Wildlife Under Funding Forces Litigation, Vicious Cycle
153. Delisting 'eastern population[s]' of Gray Wolves from Endangered Species List & Northern Rockies Delisted Too
154. Multiple Administration Insiders, Players and Counsel Support American Imperialism (In Depth, Where Are They Now, Video & Actual Document for U.S. Imperialism)
155. Bush Appointing Anti-Consumer Safety Henchman to Top Position on Consumer Products Safety Commission
156. Bush Continues to Harbor Known Terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles, to Court Cuban-American Vote
157. The Pet Goat Gets More Attention than Our Country Under Attack
158. Frat Boy Personalities Die Hard
159. Employing Human Rights Violators to Advise and Run Abu Gharib and Other Iraqi Prisons
160. Use of White Phosphorous as an Offensive Weapon on Civilians During Fallujah Siege (Full Report)
161. Administration Hates Reporters Covering the Murder of Civilians (Especially if They're Muslim or Independent Iraqis & More)
162. Saudi Royal Family Ties (Prince 'Bandar Bush')
163. 2005 Energy Bill Eviscerates Environmental Protections & Gives Tax Breaks to Big Oil (Even Asked Energy Lobbyist for a Wish List)
164. Bush Rejects One-Time Windfall Tax on Oil Industry (Most Profits of Any Company, Ever)
165. Rumsfeld Gives Soldiers an Army Without Armor (Soldiers Forced to Dig Through Scrap to Up-Armor Vehicles)
166. FBI Agents Tried to Warn Superiors and Government of Plots to Attack U.S. (One Named Time Person of the Year, '02)
167. Psy-Ops Staged Toppling of Saddam Hussein Statue (American Imperialism on the Loose)
168. Bush Slashes Veteran's Affairs Budget
169. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Cases Increasing (Can Lead to Suicide & Soldiers Suffering Difficult Symptoms)
170. Pentagon Gets Creative with Troop Recruitment and Increases Dependency on National Guard & Reserves (Recruiting for Army Lowest in Years, Recruiters Sexually Assaulting Students, Recruitment Standards Dropping & NCLB Helps It All Happen)
171. Administration Capitulates to Torture-Loving Uzbekistan in False Hopes of Securing Natural Gas Reserves
172. Social Security Nationwide '60 Stops in 60 Days' Most Expensive Promotional Tour Using Government Funds (31 Administration Visit 127 Cities)
173. Bush Laughs About Not Finding WMDs as Soldiers Die in Iraq (Video & Doesn't Think Colbert is Funny When Jokes Turned on Him, Colbert's Speech)
174. Canada Sells $450 Million to White House, Bypassing Congress & Canadian Parliament
175. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) May Violate International Finance Privacy Laws (Contributing Author, James Risen has More on Secret Intel Practices)
176. Attack Dogs Unleashed on Michael Moore Weeks Before Cannes Film Debut of SiCKO
177. Deregulation of FCC to Benefit Wealthy Via Appointment of Michael Powell
178. White House Tied Law Firm Gets Ann Coulter Off-the-Hook for Voter Fraud Charges
179. Violate Ashcroft's Deathbed Seeking Legal Approval to Further Rape Civil Liberties (VP Cheney Confirmed at Meetings Dealing with Domestic Warrantless Wiretapping, Ashcroft's Wife Disapproves, Go Figure!)
180. Baghdad Embassy Set to Be World's Largest (Construction Delays Help Cost-Plus Contractors, Golf Course and Mall!)
181. Karl Rove Enjoys Caging Voters
182. Bush's Religious-Zealot-Biblical-Capitalist-Gay-Basher-Pastor Exposed as Being Gay and Using Meth
183. Appointing a Surgeon General Who Claims Gays Can Be Cured (Took Haggard Only 3 Weeks)
184. Liberators Do Not Build Permanent Military Bases
185. Egregious Violation of Presidential Records Act (Might Still Be Alive)
186. U.S. Missile Base Splits Europe, Again (Russia Extends Hand to U.S., U.S. Rejects and Russian Relations Chill)
187. Bush Rejects Congressional Subpoenas Claiming Executive Privilege
188. Bush Commutes Scooter Libby's Prison Sentence
189. Cheney & Bush Declare Dictatorial Powers (Quiet Expansions of Martial Law, Section 1076: Bush as Dictator)
190. Bush Administration Wants Your Child to Have Mercury Poisoning
191. Homeland Security Spending Billions Secretly
192. Pentagon Exempt from FOIA Requests
193. Pentagon at Forefront of New Landmine Designs (Note to Pentagon: They're Illegal)
194. EPA Gets Helping Hand from Chemical Industry
195. Pat Tillman White House Cover-Up (Death at Close Range, Fellow Soldier Disputes Final Moments & White House's Word-Play Fiasco)
196. Iraq Veterans Charged for Damaging War Equipment
197. Bush Stifles Report Urging Action Against Poverty
198. $20-Billion in Weapons to Country that Provided Most 9/11 Hijackers (The Controversy & More)
199. Consumer Safety Protection Being Phased-Out
200. Bush Administration Doesn't Factor in Quality of Life when Examining Iraqi Re-Construction
201. Gonzales' DOJ Tips-Off Sen. Stevens (R-AK) of Impending Raid Despite Stevens Being the Key Bribery Suspect
202. Christianizing the Pentagon
203. Republican Ill-Maintenance of America (Note: Supports Defense that by Spending Less, Nation's Infrastructure and People Suffer More)
204. Draft Talk Started
205. Military's Main 'Eyes & Ears' of Iraq are Being Slaughtered
206. Cheney Thinks an Iraq Invasion is a Bad Idea (1994)
207. Bush Administration Wants to Spin in Iraq, Not Win
208. Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) Knowingly Over-Charging Tax Payers, No Spending Limits in Iraq
209. Clergy Shocktroops to Calm the Masses During Martial Law
210. White House Office of Administration Is Above the Law
211. Whistleblowers Jailed and Tortured (Their Unending Story)
212. GOP-lapdogs appointed to Iraqi reconstruction efforts over qualified experts
213. Contractor Swindling (More Contractor Fraud, Custer Battles Nightmare)
214. General Petraeus Aide Involved in Arms-to-Insurgents Fiasco
215. Subprime Loans Mismanaged by Federal Government
216. Red Cross Interviews of CIA 'Black Sites' Leaked, War Crimes Trials Anyone?
217. White House Faked Iraqi WMD-Capable Drone Photos
218. Disbanding of Iraqi Army (Bush Can't Recall Why They Did It)
219. George Tenet Let Bush Brush Off Iraq No-WMD's Assessment
220. Iraqi Refugees Displaced by Our War Denied US Sanctuary
221. Health Insurance Premiums for Families Up 78% Under Bush
222. Iraq Was Never Intended to be a Nation
223. Homeland Security Watching What You Read
224. White House Political Prosecutions
225. 1000 Citizen Arrest Attempts Denied
226. Shadow US Government Grows Stronger, Robust
227. Military Complains of Preferential Treatment and Lack of Control Regarding Mercenaries
228. National Guardsmen Denied Benefits Despite Longest Iraq Tour
229. Apartheid Mercenaries Called Upon by White House for Iraq Security Contracts
230. White House Leaks New, Sensitive al Qaeda Intelligence Source to Fox News
231. Never a Desire to Protect Iraq from Get-Go
232. Iraq First, and Only, Country Placed on Most Endangered Cultural Sites (World Monuments Fund)
233. US General Claims Bush Gave 'Marching Orders' Regarding Detainee Torture (Commentary)
234. Justice Department Terrorism Prosecutions Fail Consistently (Another One Goes to Mistrial)
235. White House Heavily Edits CDC Report on Climate Change
236. Blackwater USA Exports Silencers Abroad Without Prior Government Approval
237. Military Suicides Not Being Counted as War Related (6,256 Veteran Suicides in 2005 Alone)
238. Mass Beef Recall Due to Beef Corporation Lackeys Running Safety Oversight
239. US Pre-Emptive Nuke List Exposed
240. Coal Mining Protection Roll-Backs Destroying Appalachia
241. Bush Administration Setting Stage for (Yet Another) New Pearl Harbor
242. The Best Personnel Armor Our Government Won't Buy (Inadequate Armor, Worthless Vest Protection)
243. Bush's Repeated Attempts to Cripple Children's Healthcare (Violating States Sovereignty &Timeline)
244. CEO Submarine Joyride Ends in Sinking of Ehmie Maru and Death of 9 Japanese (Wiki, Not the Last Mishap)
245. US Troop Desertions Skyrocket
246. US Aid Directly Funding Terrorist Groups
247. The (US) People vs. The (War) Profiteers
248. Department of Justice Wanted 24,000 Amazon.com Customers' Information (Fight this Bill or Else)
249. 'Massive Failure' in Government Accountability for Billions Spent and Weapons Lost
250. CIA's Destruction of Torture Tapes
251. Blackwater Gasses US Troops Using Riot-Control CS Gas
252. Bush Administration Admits to Illegally Destroying E-Mails
253. White House Lax Oversight Allowing Mine Safety Failures
254. Bush Administration Issued Hundreds of False Statements Regarding Iraq Before War (Website Detailing Lies)
255. Taliban Resurging In Afghanistan
256. CIA Knew Saddam Hussein Dismantled His WMDs
257. Civilian Businesses Given 'Shoot-to-Kill' Orders During Martial Law
258. Marines Determined to Be Suicide Risks Sent Back to War Zone
259. Plans Never Existed for Iraq Reconstruction After War
260. PsyOps Placing 'Black Propaganda' in Domestic Mass Media (Pentagon & White House Direct Links & More WH Links!)
261. Marines Dying Due to MRAP Vehicle Delay
262. Bush Administration Condones Torture, Risks Troops Lives (Document Proving Bush Signed Off on Abandoning Geneva Conventions Regarding al Qaeda, Media Silent & More)
263. US Torture Rendition Flights Landed in UK
264. War Profiteers Profiting, Few Caught
265. Politically Motivated Prosecutions Originating in Rove's Brain
266. Domestic Spying
267. Bush Wanted Weaker Smog Standards
268. Abu Gharib Torture Continues (Article)
269. Bush Administration Snoops Passport Files
270. White House Tosses Out Computer Hard Drives
271. Department of Labor Continues the Cronyism Chant
272. Guantanamo Trials as Puppet Theatre
273. KBR Contractors Indicted for War Profiteering
274. Baghdad Drowning in Sewage
275. Independent Reporter in Iraq Exposes US Crimes Against Humanity
276. Marines Forced into Situations Where Civilians are being Massacred
277. Bush Administration Willing to Torture and Flaunt Constitution Under Guise of 'National Security'
278. US Military Presence to be Indefinite, a.k.a. Imperial World Conquest
279. Federal Workers Abusing Credit Cards Due to Lack of Proper Authorization and Oversight
280. Air Marshalls Poorly Trained, Flying On Low-Risk & Short Flights
281. Homeland Security Applies New "Thinking" Towards Privacy Rights
282. Congress Repeals Sweeping Martial Law Abilities, Bush Signs Statement of "I'm Above the Law"
283. VA Hospital's Head of Mental Health Covered Up Suicide Epidemic (More)
284. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Resigns in Disgrace But Not Before Gutting Department
285. KBR Using Cayman Islands as Tax Shelter to Avoid Paying Medicare, Social Security and Other Taxes (Obama & Kerry Call for Investigation)
286. Wiretapping Lawyer/Client Private Conversations
287. Cheney's Failure to Live Up to His 2000 Election Year Promises
288. War March Towards Iran a "Virtual Guarantee" (The Chicken Littles Are On To Something, General Patraeus Saber-Rattling)
289. Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program in State Department Loses 400 Laptops ($30-million dollars worth)
290. Head of Office of Special Counsel Investigated by FBI for Destruction of Files Pertaining to Whistleblowers He Is Supposed to Protect
291. Civilian Bombing in Sadr City, One of the Poorest Areas of Iraq (Letter to Bush)
292. Private Contractor Truck Drivers Lacking Insurance and Armor, Deaths Not Reported
293. Bush Administration Failing to Enforce Prosecution of Private War Contractors
294. Bush Administration Opposes New GI Bill That's Long Overdue (Considering Skyrocketing Tuition Costs)
295. Soliders Being Electrocuted On Military Bases Due to Faulty Wiring Sub-Contracted Out to Poor Iraqis & Afghanis by KBR
296. ICE Raids Being Conducted at California Schools During NCLB Mandated Testing
297. Bush Purposefully Leaving FEC Unfilled to Manipulate Campaign Finance Enforcement Agency
298. Iraq War First US War Financed Entirely on Credit (Otherwise Known as Debt)
299. White House Repeatedly Ignored Corruption in Highest Levels of Iraqi Government
300. Can't Even Convict the "20th Hijacker" Because the Bush Administration is Torture Crazed!
301. Third Excuse to Invade Iran Turns Out to be False
302. VA Hospital Emails Show Concerted Effort to NOT diagnose PTSD for Returning War Veterans
303. Honor Killings Return to Iraqi Society Due to Bush's Destablization of Iraq and Increased Tribal Loyalty & Mentalities
304. US Soldiers Desecrating Muslim Holy Book, Quran, Pattern of Religous Distaste for Muslim Faith
305. CIA Death Squads Killing Afghans with Impunity
306. Over 8-million On Detention List if Martial Law Declared
307. Over 27,000 Held in Secret Overseas Prisons
308. FBI Orders Guantanamo "War Crimes" File Shut Down
309. Private Contractors Ignore Spending Rules to the Tune of $8.2 Billion
310. Bush Financier Gets $80-Million Pentagon Contract Despite Being an FBI Fugitive
311. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Gives $500k to Low-Ranking Golfing Group Chaired by Bush Sr.
312. Known Con-Man, "Curveball", Provided False Intelligence to US Before Iraq War, White House Lapped It Up
313. Eight Years of Bush Administration Demoralizes and Underfunds the Census Agency
314. After Seven Years of Inactive Work Altering Workplace Safety Rules, Bush Administration Rushes to Slash Worker's Rights

The allowance of blatant mistreatment of other human beings, military mistreatment, government downsizing, economic negligence, war profiteering off black water, anything located here...
here is a good conservative vs liberal policies of running a country

| Permalink
"The more you learn, the less you know."
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that DumbKid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ive read about the first 20, and as of what you've shown me so far, I feel no need to read the entirety of that post to gather what I need from it.

What I am telling you is that NONE of those things, SOLELY INCRIMINATE REPUBLICANS.

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
wait a second... Are you saying that Bush being elected, supported, glorified and even justified has nothing to do with Republicans?
Are you saying Republicans in general had nothing to do with any of this even though they still support Bush? and that Republicans shouldn't at the very least be sobered and learn from everything thats happened in the past 8 years?

You mentioned earlier that you had information in defense of the Republican party as a whole. And yet all you have done is try to attack like a regular Republican. Because that's all you know how to do. Make wars and attack to win. Justify your actions and crusades, and claim victory when all you have done is defeated a foe.

You called me an Idiot, and as far as I am concerned, your nothing more then a paper dragon.

| Permalink
"The more you learn, the less you know."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
wait a second... Are you saying that Bush being elected, supported, glorified and even justified has nothing to do with Republicans?

No, the point you keep missing that he and indeed we have said is that republicans are not alone in their guilt. A concept that seems to slip your grasp.

And another point that I dare not assume you will get, is that George Bush is not even qualified to be called a Republican along with the majority of his lackeys. They are neither conservative nor defenders of a republic. They are zionists and nwo bums, corpratocracy cronies and secret society types.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Thank you, Ironwood.

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"The more you learn, the less you know."
Thank you Republicans - Page 2
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