But on bay photo, the inclusion of the (partial) boat tends to be a detracting factor. It may have worked better if you had shot this in the (horizontal) scenic rather than the protrait (verticle) form.
I know this is an old thread, but I actually disagree about cryptictruth's bay photo.
I find it interesting that this photo was one of his first attempts at photography (I think?), and that he was already naturally (perhaps unknowingly) applying some form of Rule of Thirds. Though I think it might have been a stronger image had he included the whole boat, I actually don't see how shooting horizontal might have made it better - just would have been different. Vertically, you are given more view of the sky, and I think the ground and sky are well balanced in terms of proportion.
cturtle, do you develop your own negatives and prints?
& also, with these photo's you've scanned and put up on the thread, were they scanned using a normal printer scanner or a negative scanner?