 40yrs • M • 
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taken from: http://pub208.ezboard.com/faskmenfrm1.showMessage?topicID=61217.topic quote: Contrary to what the media tells us (you know about the media , it is young girls who are the sexual aggressors today. It is young girls who are out of control. It is not young boys trying to persuade them to perform oral sex on them behind the school, but young girls trying to talk the boys into it. Dear Abby got a letter from a mom about this exact subject. When she published it, she received more responses from mothers then any other article she had ever published-ever. Girls are out of control. It is them we should be restricting, not boys. It is them because we bought into the politically correct, feminist driven bullsh*t that we have no right to put restrictions on them. "A girl can dress any way she wants"