 73yrs • M • 
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[i]The way politics are moving world wide and especially with Europe, Ukraine, Russia and China may see the possibility of future conflict. ISRAEL is the key to ALL future wars. Now the Russians including the last CZAR Nicolas, blamed the JEWS for all European wars since and perhaps including the Napoleonic wars to the current date. The 'JEWISH Intrigue' as some say is why Hitler blamed the French and Americans for taking such harsh measures against Germany in the First War even though Germany WAS NOT actually defeated as an Armistice was agreed upon so that each of the warring nations could gather their forces and rebuild to again fight once more. Hitler believed the Versailles treaty to be damaging to the future prosperity of Germany. We know now that this was surely the case as Germany suffered the most of the European countries during the Great Depression which Hitler and now modern Historians believe was instigated by 'Jewish Intrigue' I am NOT ant-semitic, just the opposite having some Jewish ancestry, but being an Historian I believe as do many others that the so called 'Jewish Intrigue' was and is very active in world politics during the last 150 years or so.[u]