Tagged > Why do people snore |
At what age would you like to die?
35 Posts • 8901 Views Philosophy Forum |
When I attain enlightnment. I am not scared of dying anytime, I just hope it's through painfull means and does cause people too much saddness |
Habits & BehaviorParanoia
13 Posts • 3827 Views Psychology Forum |
Gee, that sounds.. erm.. paraniod :D
But yes, you are correct. It may be someone who gets their jollies from spying on people. This can readily be eliminated as a possibility however, by looking o... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Last time I checked, 9/11 happened on BUSH's watch.
What's more, people of simply so ignorant of how terrorism works. |
We all talk about a better way
13 Posts • 3044 Views Talk Talk |
i am very good at reading people. the ebst i know. so if i care about what they think of me and i can sense im 'pushing' to far, i mite step back, but probably not. |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16748 Views Psychology Forum |
People who think that there is always a simple way
any film starring will ferrel in a lead role (note this does not stand for the producers, as i have not yet seen it) |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
did he put his people on trial, everyone of them? no. i am justified, and its not cold blod, im doing it for a reason. a damn good one. genocide should always be challenged. |
friend with benifits
14 Posts • 3764 Views Talk Talk |
hes fifteen, all he cares about are his buddies and jerking people around for his amusement *lol*
some guys never grow out of that phase *roll* |
30 Posts • 10013 Views Philosophy Forum |
lynniepoohs, I came to a similar conclusion so I try to accept people as they are, not what they pretend to be. We are all human and therefore are going to fail to live up to the expectations of ourse... |
Society & SociologyAttorneys
6 Posts • 3663 Views Psychology Forum |
To bad the Justice system seems to be more about who can hire the best lawyer than seeking the truth and producing a just recompense.
A pet peeve for many of the people! |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77187 Views Religion Forum |
JackerJones, this is commerce. If people use it, it will be brand-named. Everything from kitty litter to cow manure.
What I don't get it why women cover but not the men. |
Weird ThingsFood. Weird Food
40 Posts • 13741 Views Talk Talk |
actually i know people like that
one of my friends doesn't eat salad or any vegetables exept for potatoes ...... just all meat , i think ti's insane |
The Hardest Question?
110 Posts • 42959 Views Philosophy Forum |
Because the English language, in many parts, was designed wrong?
Or else the people who came up with the words or applied them just weren't thinking. |
Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7200 Views Philosophy Forum |
well if you're only here for an hour your not going to see what really goes on around here unless you've looked at all of the discussions on here... I don't really think age has anythin... |
Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12111 Views Religion Forum |
Truth is difficult because it involves action and it in not about comfort levels so most people cling to lies that allow them to be comfortable. |
story teller
29 Posts • 6691 Views Talk Talk |
soda companies, because people are free to purchase large quantities of 2-liter bottles in hopes of... |
Life & DeathDealing with death
9 Posts • 3405 Views Philosophy Forum |
My grandfather's gone, but where? I haven't felt sad or anything because I don't understand death. People talk about the afterlife and such, but no one has been there and back to confir... |
Goals with philosophy
8 Posts • 3219 Views Philosophy Forum |
do we just want positive attention from people.. is that a main motive.. no? other motives
disucss discuss.. |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62763 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
it became hostile when you introduced yourself by calling me an asshole.
But hopefully this was addressed in other post.
As for debates, some is just me asking for information, which people seem... |
Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 103846 Views Jokes & Games |
hmph. it seams that people here consider me to be either obscenely annoying or just plain crazy and are content to make fun if....who am i talking about again? |
friend with benifits
14 Posts • 3764 Views Talk Talk |
i'm glad i have some prospective now, but it not easy to not get involved with someone mature enough. when your still in high school and your around people that are at the most a year yonger then... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
very true, but what most people don't realise is that it's not as hard as it seems to get out of the millitary, if you get out before you finish basic training. the system isn't as stac... |
SocietyWhen Protestors Go to Far...
8 Posts • 3560 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
when I got back from Nam I heard about the Kent State Four, I guess they did more than just lay down in the street. Ya, people die because of war, we really should not be so fickle about carniege and... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
Could never understand why people think Revelations is some sort of prophesy, and not the contemporary commentary on the fall of the Roman Empire that it is. |
adjusting from high school to college
10 Posts • 2176 Views Talk Talk |
I would have said that since they let him in school, its only fair to let poor people in too.
Did he he earn the money to put himslef through college? Or did mommy and daddy? |
Emotions & Feelingswhat are you afraid of
50 Posts • 13526 Views Psychology Forum |
I get the worst feeling ever when I'm around manikins and It's even worse when I see people walking by/near them It's hard to explain x___x;;
And I'm afraid of myself..:( |