Physics & CosmologyYoungs double slit
2 Posts • 3310 Views Science & Technology Forum |
a while ago in school physics, my class (all 3 of us) did youngs double slit with a laser, and the board. when the teacher was explaining to us how it worked, the varying amounts of interference along... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9070 Views Philosophy Forum |
If one were to travel at the the speed of light, wouldnt everything around that body cease movement? But then how could we travel faster? (thats a question, not a denyal)
And the constuction of a ti... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9957 Views Science & Technology Forum |
we couldn't go back into the past to see the big bang occur. It is not possible to see physical events from the past, except light. Anyway as I said before, humans will never be able to travel sp... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9070 Views Philosophy Forum |
The speed of light and the idea of time travel seem to be intertwined somehow... Yet i dont see why. Light goes at X speed and we know of nothing that is faster but what does that have to do with time... |
Time Travel
24 Posts • 8984 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, explaining my point that time travel can only be possible if there exist an infinite amount of dimensions or life is pre-determined. I have come to this conclusion, because these are the only two... |
InventionElectric Bikes
5 Posts • 2959 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hey, this is a bit of an odd post. Normally I would be talking about something I've come up with. But this time, something I thought of has been around a while... Electric bikes!
Apparently, for... |
Physics & CosmologyTime Travel possable?
9 Posts • 4349 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Time Travel is, in my opinion, impossible. In the event it were possible, I personally believe that we, at certain points in time (I.E Sept. 11, Y2K, etc.) would be swamped with 'observers'... |
AliensMaybe aliens are from the future?
7 Posts • 3689 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Einstein didn't say you could go back in time. The theory of relativity says that at high speeds time slows down. So instead of having the effects of twenty years passed it'll be like 10 or... |
Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14756 Views Philosophy Forum |
time travel isnt possible unless you can travel faster then the speed of light. since nothing can, or nothing we know of, and we cant propel anything faster, then its impossible right now. if it takes... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceTime Paradoxes disproved
13 Posts • 4470 Views Science & Technology Forum |
yet if we had a powerful enough telescope, we can peer into a far away galaxy, through all the dust and gas, to a star, to its planets, thru its atmostphere to an advanced being of some sort eating an... |
always count on my friend
9 Posts • 3345 Views Philosophy Forum |
How do you know that when remembering something that you're not travelling in time? An what about Premonitions, do you travel in time there?
Is it just that we can recreate perception, and work... |
always count on my friend
9 Posts • 3345 Views Philosophy Forum |
The idea of time travel itself is just a human phantasy.
But sure we can play with it.
Ok so you go back in time 5 seconds and kill yourself. Whoops.
So one of two things happens.
One you kill you... |
PoetryMusings of the Cynics
19 Posts • 6330 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I've never been one to write musical lyrics. To me, rhythm is a cage by which rhyme must coincide. But tonight, after a phone call with a girl I once loved, I found that it was the easiest meter... |
Physics & CosmologySpeed of light and what not
3 Posts • 3106 Views Science & Technology Forum |
On the topic of relativity......I was just reading that particles can travel faster than the speed of light and that this does not contradict with einsteins theory of relativity. In fact, e=mc^2 only... |
AliensMaybe aliens are from the future?
7 Posts • 3689 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The only feasable way to create time travel would be first to develope technology that opens worm holes. Then if you put one end of the wormhole in a spaceship and accelerated it to relativistic speed... |
InventionWorld's First Time Machine, Coming Soon?
3 Posts • 2671 Views Science & Technology Forum |
:)This is one of my favourite documentaries and I've seen it before (about five times!)
Time travel is a pet subject of mine, I have written a teenage novel involving it.(as of yet unpublished... |
Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14756 Views Philosophy Forum |
Actually, time travel still isnt possible even if you exceed the speed of light. If it takes a certain amount of time for light to travel to poiint A from point B, then if you go faster its more of a... |
Physics & CosmologyQuestion about the speed of light
15 Posts • 4575 Views Science & Technology Forum |
'Hmm i was thinking of this the other day... Einstein once said that matter can never travel the speed or faster than the speed of light...Does this mean it is possible to Infinitely Travel closer to... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9070 Views Philosophy Forum |
Checked over old essays and found: actual travel into a previous time, in which your physical form is transported, is less feasable.
If one could travel faster than the speed of light, a person could... |
Life & DeathLife on other planets?Yes ot No
9 Posts • 3191 Views Philosophy Forum |
I absolutely think there is life on other planets. however, I think if they have visited before they might be a little cautious about us because honestly if I went to another world and saw this much d... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55445 Views Philosophy Forum |
You travel into someones reality everyday...through relationship, empathy-putting yourself in a persons place; seeing from anothers point of view. all of these dimensions are already linked you'r... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29888 Views Philosophy Forum |
Processing Thought ...
Einstein,Hawkins and others have not examined the reactions caused by the speed of Processing thought. Travel at or beyond the speed of light causing a rift in space/ time. Eve... |
AliensIs Bush An Alien From Another Planet?
12 Posts • 4031 Views Science & Technology Forum |
for him to be an alien he would have to be from a species that is more advanced, so that they could space travel.
I'm sure aliens have retards too.
Besides, aliens could be good at space tr... |
Physics & CosmologyZero Point Energy
6 Posts • 2617 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Zero point energy is an electromagnetic radiation that exists everywhere in the univerese. It is regarded as the force that keeps electrons in orbit around the nuclei of atoms and planets in orbit aro... |
Time Travel
24 Posts • 8984 Views Philosophy Forum |
there are some "first person" experiences recorded? ... i saw a mention of this method on the john titor site-
"I have written the three books on the time-travel methods, adventures,... |