Tagged > Protests around the world |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67568 Views Philosophy Forum |
So I guess there is a general consensous that mankind is not ready yet, until our own mentality changes communism can't take place. A society withought any form of money must be a very highly dev... |
30 Posts • 9563 Views Talk Talk |
"Being vegetarian in this day and age will cause the death of animals."
I should of made this more clear. What I meant is the death of animals generally, that is the species-be this near... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29264 Views Religion Forum |
If there is no right answer to any one person's belief, then all would be right. But, if any one person had the belief that their faith was the only true faith and that all other faiths were wron... |
Why try to understand what we can't change?
18 Posts • 5563 Views Talk Talk |
you said that the only way to positvly change the world is by answering a qeustion as if that is the undiniable truth. how can you be so sure. maybe your wrong. i hope you are. i dont think god has an... |
SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7992 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here's why I don't think scarcity is the source of all our problems.
Let me lay down an axiom:
1. The universe encompasses everything.
Scarcity is a facet of everything. The inhabit... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122958 Views Religion Forum |
Because we can feel that it is right. A gut feeling that lets you know.
Another reason I believe God exists is because of my father. Thought at first thought, you might think that it is because I w... |
Starting over
20 Posts • 5399 Views Talk Talk |
there are ppl who live the simple life without asking questions never knowing the complexity, why does God love children so much, is it that they ask questions to learn more about things but in our re... |
Life & DeathHuman Life Force
7 Posts • 5593 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything is made of waves of "universal consciousness". At what we perceive as the Big Bang, each separate wave has a singular consciousness that is a very basic "existence through ti... |
Life & DeathFinally a "THEORY" -any thoughts?
3 Posts • 2624 Views Philosophy Forum |
While Love definitely is a very strong and usually irrational emotion that is very controlling... I don't think it's necessary to be supreme.
I mean, it depends on what you are supreme in... |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7208 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"America has done more good for the rest of the world than any other society. The single biggest gift that America has shared with the impoverished billions on our planet is hope.
At the end o... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution vs. Creationism...Thoughts?
8 Posts • 3798 Views Religion Forum |
creationism is not information, it is theory
is not evolution theory? i understand what you are saying, but there is some disturbing evidence, information if you will, in the bible. i qoute, "... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62742 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sorry if I'm seeming dramatic, I've no intention of offense and you have not offended me, I am simply asking questions with some passion.
I started looking at that site when you posted it... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8289 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
hmm, actually Im thinking of giving up smoking up n drinking, cuz all I wanted to do in the beggining was to try it n den leave it. I have gone to the extremes of alcohol and hash and have fully exper... |
AnimalsTwo Headed Snakes
4 Posts • 6168 Views Science & Technology Forum |
'Polycephaly' is a biological condition of having two heads. Polycephaletic snakes, whilst rare, do exist but usually don't survive for very long - perhaps only a few months. Though the... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67568 Views Philosophy Forum |
We would just find another worthless object to obsess over, and lay the blame on, for our useless greed, and comparison.
Money is just a weed. You pull it up, and another one arrives shortly.... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10579 Views Science & Technology Forum |
........Who Cares we are all going to die on average you don't really see people having happy 200th birthdays do you
Let them kill the planet or solve world hunger do you think any of us will still... |
GovernmentHumpty Nam Kerry Dumpty fell off the wall today.
13 Posts • 4383 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was a supporter of Desert Storm and Bush Sr. A lot of people didn't understand why he quite when did. Why he did not go into Iraq. Bush Sr. understood war, because he was there. Having been the... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160017 Views Talk Talk |
my freshman year of college i shook hands with Arun Ghandi, broke a bone for the first time, spoke with some top business executives of the world, befriended one of the best friends of the lead singer... |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14509 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Alone atop a naked hill
I stare at the lush world below.
With naught but rock under my feet
I see a field of wildflowers.
And as my throat is parched and dry
I gaze at flowing streams.
With t... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107400 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
"Marijuana and alcohol were both developed at around the same time. Marijuana was first produced as hemp in Thailand and China and was one of the earliest domesticates. It was grown for its fiber... |
Music Dedication Thread
27 Posts • 6470 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thanks Chiron. :)
Heres a dedication to the true cynics, idealists, lovers, artists and believers in making the world a better place.
Its more of my own romantic notion, that there are those who... |
ConsciousnessCan we learn to be critically self-conscious?
1 Posts • 3114 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can we learn to be critically self-conscious?
In his book 'The Assault on Reason' Al Gore informs me that he concluded after talking to many candidates of both parties in the 2006 election cycle th... |
ChristianityWomen and the Bible
6 Posts • 3907 Views Religion Forum |
Women are equal to men, BECAUSE....Jesus died for all of mankind.
Let me go further....IF you look at what I gave you about Christ being the guide, rule, the leader for the church...and how to trea... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46370 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
chemical imbalance.. wow.. i like that one... so ur saying some magical drug could make ppl straight.. if that isnt the biggest load of crap ive ever heard... than what is? and with regards to using e... |
EconomyWhy are American people angry?
8 Posts • 4152 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Young people, they want to go out into the world, they want to create jobs. There are. No. Jobs."
Gee I guess those young people really didn't want to create jobs after all. |