is this considered philosophy/izing?
13 Posts • 3797 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything is philosophy:
- philosophy of metaphysics
- philosophy of epistemology
- philosophy of ethics
- philosophy of logic
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of math
- philosophy of religio... |
What can be done?
14 Posts • 3799 Views Philosophy Forum |
It depends on how one defines 'philosophy' and whether 'cool' refers to something that is popular, or something that is considered superior. Philosophy is a discipline or field of... |
 68yrs • M
God exists for all thoese who have faith in him. |
PhiloSophos: An Online Philosophy Resource
1 Posts • 3618 Views Promotional |
PhiloSophos is an online, open learning resource for philosophy students. PhiloSophos aims to provide inspiration and advice for students, in addition to its library of philosophical articles. Apart f... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6230 Views Philosophy Forum |
All philosophy is bullshit! from ziltoid aparently yet he has his own philosophy regarding himself which he also seems to think is bullshit, try reading a book on philosophy, nietzsche is good and so... |
Human Nature & EmotionCould one live their philosophy?
8 Posts • 4537 Views Philosophy Forum |
I base my philosophy on how the world actual is. My philosophy is nilhilism. I hate having to adopt this philosophy because it is depressing me,so I use lots activities to make me sort of happy. |
Why is Philosophy like General Motors?
4 Posts • 2534 Views Philosophy Forum |
Dead aim, Coberst.
Yet -- I consider myself a product of Western philosophy, and yet I see no fundamental issue that makes cognitive function in even its most abstract forms incompatible with a mec... |
Life & DeathCritique My Philosophy of Life?
12 Posts • 8575 Views Philosophy Forum |
Over the past few years, I have created my philosophy of life, a 13-page document that may be found by doing the following:
(1) Google "Philo Sofer"
(2) Follow the first link (My Philoso... |
 32yrs • M
< no additional information provided > |
 41yrs • M
Philosophy, what else? |
What is philosophy?
5 Posts • 5109 Views Philosophy Forum |
My experience with philosophy has been this :
- words never mean what they mean in real life
- philosophy involves redefining things to make them less contradictory
- philosophy is reasoning from p... |
 60yrs • M
.Art.Sex.Philosophy. |
Philosophy and Skin Cream?
8 Posts • 3713 Views Philosophy Forum |
Philosophy is now used to sell "Skin Cream" in adds! I found this stuff looking up the word "philosophy" on Google. It completely blew my mind. This is the address if anyone wants... |
What is philosophy?
5 Posts • 5109 Views Philosophy Forum |
every science was considered philosophy until the abstractions were taken out of them. i don't know, but saying philosophy involves no numbers or specific truths isn't very accurate. just lo... |
 34yrs • F
Until the philosophy which hold one race |
 32yrs • M
Your Mind is Yours, Mine is mine |
Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41376 Views Philosophy Forum |
Buddhism is a philosophy. The term 'philosophy' refers to the love of wisdom or love and wisdom, both meanings describe Buddhism perfectly. Buddhism teaches that we should try to develop our... |
 53yrs • F
Nothing |
Human Nature & EmotionCould one live their philosophy?
8 Posts • 4537 Views Philosophy Forum |
Philosophy only deals with the conscious part of your brain which is the tip of the iceberg.
The conscious brain is only 0.001% of life.
If you live your philosophy then you are seriously handic... |
Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41376 Views Philosophy Forum |
DavidHill: I understand that one can perceive the question in several ways. And it is interesting. Can you think of another solution? I thought of cloning the chicken and then developing the cloned ch... |
The Prosblogion
1 Posts • 3629 Views Promotional |
The Prosblogion is 'A Philosophy of Religion Blog'. The Prosblogion blog features contributors from a variety of backgrounds, including individuals who are professionally involved in examining the phi... |
Famous PhilosophersSocks or Socrates?
2 Posts • 5853 Views Philosophy Forum |
Congratulations you have just made the journey into philosophy.
You thinking folding your socks neatly is more useful, well that's your own philosophy. Other than dealing with minor garments p... |
is this considered philosophy/izing?
13 Posts • 3797 Views Philosophy Forum |
All things derive from philosophy. I challenge anyone to state an object, or otherwise, that can not in some way be linked to philosophy. |
Human Nature & EmotionPhilosophies dark side.
5 Posts • 3647 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why am I drawn to a argument when I use philosophy? I cannot use psychology either, in the place of philosophy, because the science method of these disciplines are the same? pljames |
Goals with philosophy
8 Posts • 3227 Views Philosophy Forum |
Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself. Nah just kidding b... |