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Tagged > How do people say fit
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 57730 Views
Philosophy Forum
i dont want to kill all bad people. only a select few Who decides who is deserving of death? And history will repeat itself
THREAD LawRacism and reverse discrimination
18 Posts • 21638 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is the problem with "equality". People now are more qualified based on minority group then by actual qualification.
THREAD DrugsBad Trip: The Worst Experience of my Life
0 Posts • 4337 Views
Psychology Forum
I've gone through this too, and am 6 months down this road. A lot of people, including myself, want to hear from someone who has a lot of post-event time under their belt...where are you guys at,...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6569 Views
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i believe you that he is messed up, but that might just be the people he hangs out with, or possibly his brother, not to insult your friend or anything. or possibly the parents? who knows, it could be...
THREAD What is Love
25 Posts • 7109 Views
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logically the only two people in this world i would actually die for, are my parents....they sacrifice themselves day by day to give me what i need, i have nothing to give them but my life. Other than...
THREAD ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13273 Views
Religion Forum
Oh honestly how sad, if god came down one day and told us that he's a weak bastard just like us that there would mass depression and i can imagine the mass suicides of people because of the helpl...
THREAD Free Will
33 Posts • 9235 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well i feel as if people are mixing today with free will with the mind, its more of a spirtual thing, combined with the powerful mind.
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 11756 Views
Religion Forum
But likewise you may be too opened minded and miss the simply answer. It is not easy to talk with open minded people either you know.
THREAD Futurologylanguage
7 Posts • 3333 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think the dialects will become less extreme and more alike mostly because most stars and people on TV have a sort of midwest or socal accent which to me sounds like no accent at all.
THREAD DreamsDreams
37 Posts • 11521 Views
Psychology Forum
do you sit up/ get out of bed right when you wake up MiA? i dont know the science behind it, but i do know that sitting up causes you to forget dreams more quickly. but, some people just dont remember...
THREAD suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 11845 Views
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just move on, people need to do their own thing sometimes. youre to young to be thinkin about marriage anyway. let him do his thing and everything will work itself out. oh yea, and if you die, you...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsThis site is great
9 Posts • 4057 Views
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:) hello people I've been gone quite a while...New faces and old friends...I hope everyone is enjoying good disscussions and better topics...may be back now and again....Lots of changes I hope al...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 57730 Views
Philosophy Forum
So if I as one person gain great happiness by helping somebody it is less right then ten people who get pleasure out of beating somebody? certainly sounds like it to me?
THREAD Newbie here.
2 Posts • 1689 Views
Talk Talk
People can be so self absorbed its becomes self indoctrinating. I never get insecure, just bored. Me I like to keep an open mind but I dont open it to folly. That said, I like almost any subject.
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18230 Views
Religion Forum
I agree with most people on this forum, I dont think that vampires etc are real but when it comes to aliens I think they are out there but we dont know enough about them weather they are friendly or o...
THREAD Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 293980 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
You know how some people take pictures of themselves holding up the leaning tower of Pisa? Well, this guy wasn't in Pisa, so he used whatever was around....and what do you know, there's this...
THREAD Random QuestionsSenior Pranks!
25 Posts • 46332 Views
Talk Talk
a great one is putting cling film over the toilet bowl, under the seat so people dont see it, but things dont go in.
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18741 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that people are gonna do what they want to do as they get older. Our oppinions of what's right and wrong, was forced upon us; in saying that my oppinion we should stop judging others and...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13464 Views
Talk Talk
Meat doesn't feed starving people. With the land we use for raising cattle we could grow a lot more food that would help the starving.
32 Posts • 11746 Views
Philosophy Forum
What does this word mean to you? Green, filthy, germ infested paper that people will steal and even die over to get there hands on as much of it as they can!! :p
THREAD Habits & BehaviorThe Unspoken Language.
3 Posts • 2868 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you for the feedback. You have gave me something extra to think about when reading body language... I will enjoy finding out if reading people becomes easier by this. :)
THREAD Best cars
17 Posts • 9844 Views
Talk Talk
true. but you've got to have the right accesories / mods because the wrong things or too many things can make a car look like shit and a lot of people cant grasp that concept
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11103 Views
Psychology Forum
i mostly find this type of thing funny. im constantly amazed at how ignorant some people think i am. like talking behind my back for example. somehow they think it never gets back to me!
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 39771 Views
Religion Forum
If a sense of Justice came from God.... what sort of justice would it be? Look at some of the arguments people have put forward... War etc etc.. not gonna type em out again. If u been part of t...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18741 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok but who wants to see an old wrinkly woman wearing a mini skirt and low cut top? A lot of younger people don't even look good dressed as such.
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