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Tagged > Hate people
11 Posts • 4241 Views
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Londoners Suspicious Of Station Closures Before Blasts Internet forums are not the benchmark of absolute truth and unlike the government, who eagerly rush to give credibility to an 'Al-Qaeda&#...
THREAD ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15962 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
So I think Pat was the closest to ever saying she was happy and sure of the information she had to vote with, yet she has yet to say one bad thing about her candidate of choice (even steve said he doe...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24168 Views
Philosophy Forum
hey.. hello.. referring to: "i think the sub holds true power over our actions. take falling in love for example. often times we fall in love, not even realizing its happening. also, many ti...
THREAD why dont we like reading threads that go off topic
8 Posts • 3249 Views
Philosophy Forum
I come here to here other peoples perspective on certain half decently intelligent topics. When People post on a Metaphysics thread about what religion is correct or what not it is kind of frustratin...
THREAD Society & Sociologyimpulsive society?
9 Posts • 4407 Views
Psychology Forum
if people continue getting these meaningless tattoos, the beauty will be gone. everyone wil flock to tattoo parlors for a certain look, not a certain feeling. it should enhance emotion and represent y...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist or Agnostic?
8 Posts • 3392 Views
Religion Forum
FSM is pretty popular in Colorado, so I don't know if Ironwood's comment was intentional or coincidental, but either way it does raise a very important point: The more people believe in some...
THREAD GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6215 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
well for starters if you NEED something buy it.SInce you are so educated don't know that they wan't grow if people don't buy more than they need? So dont boycot drugs. Bocot pepsi or an...
THREAD Enherit Goodness Of Mankind
6 Posts • 3776 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've noticed that there is a key difference in peoples views on the world. Not THE key but A key. Some people belive that humans are naturally good. Others dont. Your take? Provide evidenc...
THREAD Astronomy78,000 People Apply for One-Way Trip to Mars
0 Posts • 188 Views
Science & Technology Forum
i would compare it to the pilgrims making their one way trip to america, the people applying either have no reason to stay on earth or they want to advance science so badly that they will sacrifice th...
THREAD I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3011 Views
Talk Talk
Although your parents are probably right about bands, in the sense that many people try and few succeed, that is no reason not to try. That is, so long as you have something to fall back on. Don'...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36722 Views
Philosophy Forum
That doesn't answer the question. How do we enter into other peoples realities without their permission? If reality was only what I experienced in my mind then why am I typing to people who I hav...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25377 Views
Psychology Forum
they urk me too, why is this kind of thing allowed in our country? The politicians are telling us how to live and what to do. that's not how this is supposed to work i don't think... anyway...
THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18706 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Actually, what we have done to the environment has STOPPED another ice age. SO be happy that we dont live in -50 degree F weather. And please, Kerry is behind in the polls by a double digits, people...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the what!
63 Posts • 44058 Views
Psychology Forum
chrysalys *applauding* cheers to that! All I gotta say is, aslong as your safe about it, and take alll necessary precautions... i think meeting people online is a great way to network, or perha...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15274 Views
Religion Forum
No Lefty, you are not the only one to take exception with people taking liberties with their Gods to support wars. I do not have the numbers in front of me, but I have heard it said that the number...
THREAD Some trife shit here
2 Posts • 2476 Views
Talk Talk
it's horrible and a complete injustice that these things are allowed to happen,police and rescue people not doing their jobs, and allowing someone to die that could have been saved.....the worst...
THREAD Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9412 Views
Philosophy Forum
or maybe i am all mask there is no real...*devil* this should have a halo around his had. your answer reassured some doubts i had thank you. and i understand that it's not something we cannot p...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3805 Views
Religion Forum
Hmm. Perhaps people should start to ask themselves whether or not they participate in certain threads, in order to try to increase their general understanding of the topic, or just to give their tw...
THREAD SocietyToo into their own politics
2 Posts • 2640 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The ups and downs of life are what make it interesting. How boring is it when people talk about their successes. It's like well that's nice or perhaps a polite good for you. How someone gets...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorPersonality Psychological
7 Posts • 3351 Views
Psychology Forum
well it all tastes like shit, unless youre an alcoholic. so it mostly has to do with marketing and advertising. people identify with certain drinks in certain ways and so they grow fond of various typ...
THREAD Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9465 Views
Psychology Forum
Actually I think Dawn is making a very valid point that some here haven't grasped. It isn't, as she already said, about deriding make-up or anything it is about the people who claim to be fe...
THREAD Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11416 Views
Psychology Forum
Well I'd say since jail restricts your freedoms to live an actual life, yes it technically is. But I honestly don't think it is intentionally meant to torture people, as they still allow inm...
THREAD September 11
16 Posts • 5838 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
...America's revenge killed alot more. Now should we go mourn for them too? The justifications to continue bombing those poor countries and messing up even more people's lives are renewed e...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44038 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes, exactly my point. stay grounded. I never try saying something someone else said without giving them credit. Because theres too many people as it is, who are overly concerned by being superior. It...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19600 Views
Religion Forum
Actually ethereal I think for most people, deep down, it is actually the is human nature to replace all the unknowns where fear so often dwels with a comfort that can suffice such as God....
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