Just like the Rainbow between the Mist and Sun, it feels like I'm trapped between two worlds. - Hammerfall-Between Two Worlds
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Tagged > Excessive force
THREAD Society & SociologyRapist priest sentenced
3 Posts • 3780 Views
Psychology Forum
Another example, in my opinion, of the unnatural celibacy imposed upon clergy. To vountarily take a vow of celibacy is one thing, but to have your employment and repution linit the single most driving...
THREAD Newly declared WMD's and threats to National
11 Posts • 3384 Views
Jokes & Games
maybe a bit off topic, but i think "drugs" allow the thoguht process to break the force of habit otherwise adhered to. one point in the current legality issue, although that one remains spec...
THREAD Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71017 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I see your Air Force T-Shirt and raise you Dress Blues 1.This is me and my instuctors at my JROTC's Marine Corps Birthday Ball Ceremony. Col Reynolds(left) and 1st Sgt Foote(right) 2. My mo...
THREAD Is this relative? HELP!
17 Posts • 7451 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wouldn't the force just be absorbed by compressing the soil beneath your feet at some point between you and the centre? Or bond breaking spread out across a huge space? Unless you were on a...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22562 Views
Religion Forum
I have belief in spirit & God's existence, but what others believe is up to them. I will debate with others about it as I would other beliefs to which people subscribe but I have no desire...
THREAD SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18670 Views
Philosophy Forum
America is vengeance. They always need to hit with greater or equal force than what occurred to them. The Japanese hit Pearl harbor they hit them with nukes. The terrorists hit them with the 911 attac...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44038 Views
Philosophy Forum
It goes without saying that the media takes on a major role in the problems of the world today. If you've ver sat through the six o' clock news, you know what I'm talking about. It'...
124 Posts • 33672 Views
Talk Talk
Interesting thread.... Hmn my rant would be on....pointless subjects, pointless ideas, just pointless things....I'm writing this out....because I feel the need to write my pointless thoughts in...
THREAD Lack of spiritual men
13 Posts • 7300 Views
Philosophy Forum
The reason I asked this question is because I wanted to know how to attract men to becoming more spiritual. I've got 3 brother and I would like them to be spiritual. I won't force them, but...
THREAD Desire...
13 Posts • 7107 Views
Philosophy Forum
conflict takes an opposing force, desire can be opposed by others, the lack of what is desired, and any guilt possibly associated with either the desire the aquisitiion or the item of desire itself.
THREAD Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17045 Views
Philosophy Forum
The way i understand it (correct me if im wrong) Is that with chaos theory there is constant change, seemingly random, but truly uniform (in a sense). This chaos isn't chaotitic in totality but t...
THREAD ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13694 Views
Religion Forum
Im not Christian, im drifting more toward the sethian Gnostic points of view, though many religions seem to have the same content and connections, I see organised religion as more of a way that moral...
THREAD Life & DeathMeaning of life in DNA?
30 Posts • 8467 Views
Philosophy Forum
RNA is somewhat better than dna for one reason, genetic evolution takes place quicker in RNA sometimes unstable creating mutant strains.... queue the x-men. Question: if you injected a human with 'ad...
THREAD Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16564 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I can talk to any adult for hours, and pray to one day find some people my age to actually hold good and meaningful discussions with." Don't stress, go with what works, you'll...
THREAD A big committment issue or am I going off men?
3 Posts • 2985 Views
Talk Talk
you are that deranged girl and you are confused. the good thing is you can figure things out. firstly, stop being paranoid. relationships dont go anywhere unless you let them. you seem to have a fear...
THREAD Existance
1 Posts • 2254 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is a post I submitted on a website recently in response to the question of whether, if a God exists, if he approves of smoking marijuana. Now this is a fairly week topic, but my response branched...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18044 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Again my computer would not allow me to post my original statement/reply...sorry let em try again. (this also refers to my last "fallen" reply, which for some reason was attacked) WMD......
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5180 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"Then science said 'oh we can make organic products from inorganic sources (chemical manufacture) which are the same as organically produced!' So the FAD die out." Its not a fad...
THREAD Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29822 Views
Jokes & Games
your wish comes true, your significant other is then stolen by the illuminati and used against you as bait. you are lured into one of their many lairs, where they then mind control you and force you t...
THREAD InventionSuction
14 Posts • 5324 Views
Science & Technology Forum
If one end were on earth submersed in the ocean, where gravity is present and that force is puching down on the water, and one end was in a no gravity atmosphere, I believe that it would draw the wate...
THREAD Video Game Videos
17 Posts • 4833 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
My brother is a game developer and hes actually making Force Unleashed. But if it sucks please dont blame me. Im just his brother and I just play games. I dont make them. :D
THREAD Governmentdo you think the United Nations should....
17 Posts • 6952 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Operation Iraqi Freedom, which is the proper term, was a declared war against the regime led by Saddam Hussein. It was then downgraded to a conflict. After this downgrade an insurgency of terrorists...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19533 Views
Religion Forum
Thats the thing you cannot prove either intelligent design nor evolution to be the cause of our existence... or is it that both took part in it? that a spark from a far superior being or force first c...
THREAD End Of The Universe?
12 Posts • 4421 Views
Philosophy Forum
The current idea is either a Big Crunch, or a forever expanding universe. Depending on the mass of the universe and the initial force of the Bang, there will either be a Big Crunch or an infinite e...
THREAD Ask the question, know the answer
16 Posts • 5353 Views
Philosophy Forum
There are lots of reasons why people do this. For example: 1. You want to find out whether someone is lying. 2. You want to find out whether someone really knows what he's talking about. 3....
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